Pottermore Reminder

Jul 30, 2011 15:51

Just a reminder to everyone regarding Rowling's new Pottermore thing...

I was just on the website (www.pottermore.com) and it is accepting registration for their October debut, but there's also a reminder to check back on July 31st to find out how you may be able to be one of the lucky few million who are allowed in early.

It doesn't specify if the site is going by GMT/UT time, or whether July 31st will occur at midnite as it occurs for each time zone.

I'm going to start checking the site at 7pm my time -- Eastern Time Zone -- just in case "July 31st" for this purpose starts in England.

Since the whole idea of the early membership seems to be to get free beta testers, I think as many Snape fans as possible should try to sign up for early admission, Slytherin in general and Snape in particular needs to be represented!!!  LOL

support slytherin, early admission, pottermore, support snape

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