The County Fair
We went to the county fair today -- me, my Headmaster Severus, my professor Celeste, and my good student Orion.
First we walked by all the animals. (I charmed at the smell.) There were owls, thestrals, and centaurs in stables, and a big fat unicorn in a pen. Behind the stables, some kids were having a race to see who could sheer a hippogryff the fastest.
Further on, there was a Toad Show, where each of the proud owners strutted their toad around the ring while judges cursed thoughtfully.
Next, we went on the rides. My Headmaster was daring and went on the Most Powerful Wand of Whispering, and Celeste went on the Brave Roller Coaster of Wit, but I took it easy and stuck to the Snake Rides and the Ecstatic-Go-Round.
Last, we went to the green and silver food stands and filled up on green bean casseroles and candy canes and those little fruitcake-kabobs with ketchup on them. (Unfortunately, some significant other bumped into me and knocked my fruitcake all over my chest.)
We had a great time, and when we got back, we were all bemused from the experience.