132 // People killing people. VOICE.

Jun 18, 2010 11:40

[Major West, all things considers, sounds remarkably calm and in charge.]

What you are witnessing, those of you who've found your way into port, is Infection. Don't come into contact with any Infected persons. Cover your mouth, nose and-- if possible-- eyes. The virus is highly contagious and spreads through bodily fluids. Should you or anybody in your group become exposed to the Infection, you have less than a minute to put them down.

And I suggest that you do put them down.

They are not your loved ones. Your friends, your family, your... wardens or inmates. They are Infected. The smallest act of mercy may cost you your life. Don't be foolish.

[A pause.]

Billy. Adam. Tell me you're still alive.

billy, infected, west's gone nanners, port: zombies

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