Title: Midnight Blue: Sometimes She's Wrong, Sometimes I'm Right (1/3)
Fandom: Stargate
Rating: T
Genres: smutty smut smut... SMUT
Summary: Sergeant Evan Lorne really has had it with Officer Laura Cadman... and he's gonna tell her so.
A/N: Heh, challenge time! This little trilogy that never was intended to actually become one is the result of
scherryzade's prompt "Bomb disposal team AU (Cadman's a little vague on the whole 'not blowing things up' thing)" and I'm not quite sure if that's the result she intended when she posted the prompt ;) Anyway, let's start the challenge story posting! Yay!
Also, after betaing it,
mackenziesmomma suggested I slap a BIG language warning on it since she counted 48 swear words and that's apparently even too much for being awarded a Gold Star (don't ask... just don't ask ;)). Oh, oh, oh, and thanks so much to
pingulotta for introducing me to LFO's song Every Other Time (and subsequently also finally convincing me to openly ship Sam/Cam :D) because without that song... this story might not have become what it is now :)
Sometimes She's Wrong, Sometimes I'm Right )