Hi there ! Wow first community post for me , better try to make it good .
Basically I was playing around doing a wallpaper tutorial and decided to do a Lorne/Cadman one. And it reminded me so much of a part in a huuuuuuge fanfiction from
gelbes_gilatier . Guess everyone here is familiar with "Protect and Survive" right ? Well If you read it all you may figure out which part it kinda reminds me of.
So anyway , I threw in a few icons , none of them together though ,may do that soon and a header too , why not :)
Wee so in first is the wallpaper. I really like it even if its totally based on a tutorial. Loved the feeling to it with the pics. Yeah so basically , guess which on of the 13 major parts of the story you think it kinda illustrates ! Next we have 3 Lorne icons, all from a little mod of the picture used in the wall' but with a different cropping , so I hope you will find what you like. With Cadman there's only 1 because ... I honestly don't know :)
(Click for the actual size)
PS : My Favorite one is the second :D
So there feel free to take them , as long as you don't claim they are yours I have absolutely so issues with stealing a few of my stuff. Hell Ill kinda be happy actually :) Feedback is always loved ! Thanks a lot ! (Yay to Cadman/Lorne)
Tutorial from :
summerdisregard -Suka