Gotta love life...

Dec 13, 2010 20:19

Called in sick today, probably to the extreme annoyance of my boss. Ah, well. Sometimes it's just not worth it to get out of bed.

So I polished off the cookies, at some noodles, and consumed entirely too much ice cream. Weird, I wasn't even particularly depressed. :P

I do kind of wish I had bestirred myself to go out though, I could've saved myself some time later this week in picking up some stuff. Ahhh...well.

Random IY thoughts of some amusement:, Fluffy's arm...where are the stripes??? IN fact....does he still have stripes on his right arm? I demand his stripes!

While watching the 3rd IY movie, I was inordinately amused by Takemaru going "Hm, Sesshoumaru's here" when pretty much the ground was shaking. I kinda went "Actually, that's probably more like 'Hm, Sesshoumaru's here and He Is Not Pleased."

Despite all that, I did finish watching the end of the anime, and wow, it was filled with sappy sap sapness. Though I guess from 50+ volumes of Inuyasha and Kagome dancing around each other kinda, it was sort of a relief for them to FINALLY BE TOGETHER. Though I guess a long period of separation is kinda the angst pre-requisite. (though didn't they fill THAT already with Kikyou?)

Time to shower. Ugh, wrist hurts something awful...


work, inuyasha, life

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