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Dec 09, 2010 20:29

Ice cream! after eating dinner! After having too much food at lunch! (there was a big head honcho meeting and they catered too much food so there was a free-for-all for us grunts). This just goes to show that no good deed goes unpunished. Who knew that having lunch on time would lead to such a cascading disaster that resulted in terrible levels of caloric intake?

I jest. Slightly. But sometimes, it's like "ICE CREAM!!!" and the urge cannot be fought. :|b I wanted ice cream. I ate ice cream. I am a happy camper!

I also got bunnied on the way back from work. This is irksome because I had about 500 words already. On the other hand, at least this bunny I would sort of know how to end and begin. As usual, the devil is in the details.

We're having our holiday party at work tomorrow, albeit somehow there was a brilliant scheduling fudge-up and we have VIPs visiting, meaning no casual Friday. If we're having a holiday party at a classy restaurant, then business casual would be appropriate...however, our venue is a bowling alley. Driving home to change and then going there is not appealing, but my boss was absolutely aghast that we would even consider skipping the party, even though we offered to keep working for the rest of the day (the party's supposed to be from 2:30pm - 6:30pm). This just goes to show that my boss's very good at hiring workaholic party poopers.
There will be food though...And a baking contest tomorrow, so...lots of food. In retrospect that ice cream probably was not the most brilliant of ideas. I hope there's pizza at some point - have been craving it somewhat, though sushi is quietly inching its way up on my to-eat list. I think I might wait until the end of the year though when my bro visits - I'll FINALLY have someone to go with me to all-you-can-eat sushi!

Ok, enough rambling from me. Off to the great unknown! Or at least, to tomorrow...


work, food, life, writage

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