Happy Holidays!!

Dec 25, 2009 11:24

New Year's resolutions will come later, but Merry Christmas to everyone that celebrates that specific holiday, and happy holidays to everyone else!

I vacuumed like mad last night, which is only slightly relevant in that I found (?) my rolled up yoga mat from years ago and vacuumed the accumulated dust off it. Since I had been going to bed at around 2am, and it was only 10pm, I decided to try some exercises in my room, since there was always a gap in my activity during weekends and holidays and such. (I'm not driving out 30 min each way to use the gym near my work, and they're closed anyway during this time). It turned out successful! I'm fairly sure I wasn't supposed to be doing cardio on that thing, but it's that or doing it on the carpet, and yoga mats are easier to replace. Huzzah!

Today we might go to the Chinese market, since I vaguely recall no closures and mostly regular hours on their 'holiday schedule' posting the last time we went. This weekend I also need to pack and ship some gifts, as well as continue my quest to complete chores. The most significant of which would be cleaning/organizing my room - it's been a huge mess of everything plus all the stuff I brought back from my first job that wasn't appropriate for my current one (my 5 year anniversary cornerstone, for one, even though it is very shiny and pretty and HEAVY as hell).

Executive overlords apparently decided that one Casual Week wasn't enough. Next week will be casual week too...I have to wash my jeans now, or hope it gets warm enough to wear skirts. At least this means I don't need to pack  my gym shoes separately!

And now, to clean!


christmas, holiday, life

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