Tis the season...

Dec 22, 2009 22:02

The wind is howling outside, and our weather is finally somewhat season-appropriate. I just spent the last half hour or so ironing my dress shirts, despite the fact that our executive overlords had deemed Casual Day too wimpy for the season and made it Casual WEEK instead. Haha...

And one of the ladies at work got that HUGE tin of butter cookies (5 pounds worth) that I saw at Costco - she rectified the problem by putting it on a chair right outside her cube and making an "Eat me! (now!)" sign. Alas, I was not able to resist temptation very well and ate quite a few. That's on top of the ones I ate while at my friend's apartment@_@.

This weekend was pretty awesome, if busy. I had actually been very bad about sleeping (for me, anyway) lately. I think I've been going to bed around 1-2 am, which is not exactly the greatest of ideas considering my commute time is approximately doubled. BUT! my saving grace is that the middle and high schools on the street I take to get out of town are on winter break - normally what would take me 20 minutes now takes barely over 10. Ahhh....school traffic, gotta love it *sigh*.

But yeah, this weekend - Friday night was the Christmas party, which went off pretty well. Everyone liked their party favors, huzzah! The only downside was that I ate too much and had an upset stomach...it almost stopped me from going all the way to Valley Village to see Jon and Huiyi (old friends from college) on Saturday, but I bucked up and went. It's not every day that Huiyi gets to visit, since she's doing grad school on the East Coast. Thankfully due to eating light during the day, I was able to enjoy the pretty great all you can eat Korean BBQ place we went to in LA. Afterward we went back to Jon's place and watched 'How I met your mother', football, and ate popcorn and chocolate until I went home at around midnight. We reconvened on Sunday for a trip into Little Tokyo, where we had yummy ramen and I got some shopping done. We enjoyed Jon's big screen TV by attempting to watch 'Wasabi', only to find the only audio and subtitles options were in French and Italian, and put on Monty Python and the Holy Grail instead. Much hilarity and cookies were had until it was once again, time to go home.

I had to turn down their invite - Huiyi is heading to Las Vegas with Amy today, and Jon's going with his family on Thursday. Somehow Vegas seems to be the place for Christmas this year??? My bro's not planning to come down until New Year's though, and my dad's church doesn't have any plans until New Year's as well. My plans are...well, if I can make it, get all the gifts shipped out, even if they won't make it there for Christmas. Then I'm going to clean and do chores like crazy because I've been putting it off for too long.@_@

Work is...still fun.^_^ The people are still nice and there's still a lot to learn. I've been debating whether or not I should bring my laptop to work, because I really can type faster than I can write, but at this point probably I won't get swamped with training for a little bit, and I can catch up on making the procedures like I had wanted to...my laptop doesn't have the usual Office programs installed yet, anyway, and I don't want to have to lock it up every time I leave my desk.

Ok! Back to goofing off until bedtime, which will be extremely soon, because I've been drinking coffee at work - and I usually NEVER drink coffee because it gives me the jitters. I'm so tired that the coffee makes me normal instead. :|b. At least I've managed to go from 6 creamers to 2....

Maybe that was why I got a stomachache....it's not like I didn't know I'm mildly lactose intolerant.@_@

majo out!

work, holiday, friends, life

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