Feb 07, 2009 22:54

I was in Agrabah and have lost the plot. This meant that I obviously needed to go back to Traverse Town and restock on Ethers, mess around in the Coliseum, and stop playing because my brain was mush.

But. Well, Cloud had to call me queen! :D (The recommended level was 14, on the walkthrough I was reading. I was @ level 15 before I even left Deep Jungle. At level 22, Cloud was almost a cakewalk). I have a feeling Sonic Blade would be much more awesome (like Eternal Session) if I can just AIM it right.

But yeah. Agrabah. Lost plot. Will figure it out tomorrow.

Then the funny thing was, because of the tree people coming in for the quote this morning, and me going to bed late last night, I ended up conking out between 3pm-7pm. Having marathoned a world and a half before sleeping made for some odd dreams, and most of it was dreaming I was playing KH1 some more, except it was a completely different world, almost Sims-like.

My bro called me around 5, I think, and I can't remember what he said - oh, wait, he needed me to send his mail up to his new address - and then when I went back to sleep, I was playing Sora again, and it was a side-quest to get at that treasure chest on that hard-to-reach-platform. (I think that was how I lost the plot in Agrabah, there were too many treasure boxes tempting me from overhanging ledges and I spent too much time plotting how to hop up there to get at them). After some pretty incredible acrobatics on Sora's part (and some pretty awesome dream hand-eye coordination on mine), I got him up on that ledge and the 'Open' option came up and he tapped the box with his keyblade....

The message that popped up: "Obtained Maid Costume".

For some reason this was an Important Item. XD As much as it would've amused me to see Sora in it (a-la what poor Cloud had to go through in FF7), the dream changed so that I was in the game and the Maid Costume was a required item for working in a restaurant, which just happened to look like an exact game-render of our coffee-night place, and the owner's name was even Isa.

Sometimes my brain boggles me, but at least it was entertaining?

And in actual real-life gaming events, Sora met emo!boy - er, I mean, Riku, again, briefly in Traverse Town. Maleficient is super awesome and gives me the AWFUL HEEBIE JIBBIES. Like that freaky cultist rat leader in the Tale of Desperaux, but awesomer. I kept expecting her to do that thing with the hand - the spindly fingers coming to rest on the hapless victim's shoulder, one finger at a time. Maleficient, please don't traumatize Riku more than he already is, ok?

God, I need to sleep, I am insane. @_@


game, wtf, dreams, kh, life

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