Computer science major, I am not

Oct 14, 2007 11:16

So last night, through some odd combination of art, chatting, doing my Java programming homework, etc etc, I didn't go to bed until today at around 5am. Since I have to go to work early on Monday, I'll hopefully be tired enough to turn in at some suitably early hour in order to not extend my sleep deprivation.

Beans Ace with ch. 10 of Saiunoku is filled with Shinies and love. (Seiran! <3 Ensei! <3 Shuurei! <3 Ryuuki!<3 HECK, everything!) I was productive on the art and homework front too, though after trying the whole 'staying up all night to work on my programs' experience, I must say I don't like it much.

Looks like art-post, then grocery shopping for me...


saiunkoku, art, life

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