LOONG post.* je regrette*

Jun 09, 2004 21:49

So, today was filled with chills, cheap thrills.
I spent today-- Watching my two baby cousins, with a side dish of help from Sedique, it was nice "bonding time" you could say. We watched Beautiful Mind, only to result in my endless sobbing, as Sahar and Lily were off in a daze, half asleep, there faces in their hands, in their laps, tucked in, quietly, on the sofa. I just sat, and cried, as Sedique started to tear. Dude, your only 13. Please, for me, dont do this to yourself. His father , is... rather, old. His mom, is literally, other then my mom(and im not just saying this bc she was my mom) is one of the most beautiful Women I have ever seen, and theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hottest guys asked for her, I swear to you. And I remember a certain doctor:), with blue eyes, but it was all a no. She is here, years later, 43, her husband, 70 something. Its very, disguisting ALOT will say, but that is nothing, i can assure you, compared to what my family has under its treasure box of tales, which are allll true. He had an accident, about two years ago, broke his hips, or something in that matter, and now here he is, still doing most of the yard work, barely able to walk up and down the stairs without a fight(it breaks my heart every time..) And, He is blind in one eye. Cannot see to well in the other... And sedique is just convinced that (KHOUDA NAKONA, KHOUDA NAKONA,knock on wood) his dad will pass away soon. What do I say to that? I know him, and he cant hide his fear, feelings, all of it, its just, SUCH an emotional thing you have no idea. So we sat, watched Beautiful mind, I sobbed, he was the major cause of boogerage, and we laughed and cried as I popped in Gladiator(dunno why.) only to find more tears. its really sad. But, its a cry I needed to get out I guess?
I have no clue. With my permit, I drove to Miejers:)(its our major grocery store, for those non ohioans), and I bought alllllllllll the junk I could find. Needless to say, it was crazy. Their are cops evverywhere here, and I have two kids in the back drunken with sleep, a sobbing thirteen yr old sitting behind me, and I dont have anyone with a license in the car, or nearby for that matter that i know. We ate, gained about 6 lbs. At the end of the day, I went home to a crying grandmother, and I-- I wanted to cry. I was pretty much drained, and then Sahar and Lily just had to wake up and make me chase them up and down the neighboorhood twice,and now, this. She came over for dinner, nice, but it was-- SO much tension, you could cut it with a knife.
For some reason, the day didnt seem to go half bad, minus my grandmother. How have you all managed this week? Is school out for everyone out now? so we can all be cool together
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