Finally, a quick one from Autumn

Jul 06, 2004 17:36

Scotty went to a Blink concert. So jealous. But it's ok. He brought me back a shot glass form Seguins Cheese and Gifts! He's so great.

Saw Jen for a grand total of half an hour yesterday, that was pretty damn cool. I never get to see her anymore. We have conflicting skedoolees. She had a good time downstate. She got me the coolest ring ever! It's a mini tiara, yeah, ok, so I now own "Bling-Bling." GO ME! It was great just to see her though. We've hardly had any time to see eachother. I've had hw and work in general and she's had to work. It's kinda like my trying to see Scotty, we also rarely get to see eachother. Whatever is supposed to happen will happen, right?? I just wish I got to see both of them more. Maybe in August b4 she goes dwn state. Hmmm...

Living on campus! W00t! I love it here. Sure, some of the key elements are missing, such as Chewy, and the Finger Flapping Boy Wonder, but we're working on that. They come to visit! Ok, so I have defective room syndrome and I somehow play musical rooms... One room I wasn't allowed to stay in coz it was missing half it's floor tiles and the floor "would have eaten" me. The second one, that I should hopefully be moving bakc in to sometime this week had one heck of a problem with the alarm system. The Fire alarms randomly go off at very stupid intervals. It went off aboot (he he... aboot) 5 times b4 they finally decided to move me in to my current room. (they deactivated my former room's fire alarm) this current room has one serious plumbing issue. The right sink leaks... I mean really leaks. It's a mini waterfall. I was brushing my teeth and suddenly realized that my feet were very wet and getting wetter by the milisecond. NOT GOOD! I'm jsut staying in this room coz it has the least ammount of things wrong with it, until they get my other room fixed, that is. And the fire alarms and evil! They are an amazing pitch that generally make you go deaf once you hear them. My ears were rining for aboot 24 hrs. after the moment that I was innocently sitting there and the alarm went off.

Ok. Must go. Things to do and no time to do them in. I should hopefully update again soon. I'm Outtie
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