
Jun 09, 2004 00:46

An update. Sorry. I've been busy with Grad stuff and family being in town. Now, it's about 12:30 in the mornign and I decided I had to write something. Tired, so this won't be long. Got out of school over a week ago. Done. No mor for Autumn, and I didn't ahve to take any exams. Go me!. I spent a lot of my day today at the beach. Then went to Scotty's. The went drinign around wiht my sister. Graduataion was werid. I haven't cried. some people did. Most of us were just glad to get out alive. It's been a long journey, strange, long, weird, but it all came down to one day. To think, all those years in school. Not just HS but all of school, 13 years, and it all adds up to a little piece of paper with my name on it, symbolizing the fact that I did it. This paper, that's all it is. A piece of paper. The only thing that makes it special or unique, it the fact that someone put the word "diploma" on it. Strange shit when you think about it. Really strange shit. But hell, I did it. good fuckin' work on my part, right?? It's better than my brother did, he didn't even earn his little piece of paper. And the ceremony, I think it really is for the parents. I mean, all of the grads were pretty much "give me the fucking diploma and get me the hell out of here." It's more the parents that have to see that moment, take the pictures, show friends, celebrate in their own way. I would have been happy had they given me the diploma and I just celebrated with a few friends. It's was fun though. All in all, it was a good time. I guess the ceremony is there for the memories as well. All night party? I'll get to that when I'm not so tired. FUCK, why am I so tired? I didn't do anything today. I worked on my tan. "Watched a Movie" with Scotty, drove around wiht my sis. Watched another movie. no reson to be tired. Oh well. I give up on this deep thinking for tonight. I'm warm and tired. time for bed. Hmm... wonder how Anastasia is doing. Haven't seen her for a while. Hmmm... must call her. How about this, IF YOU READ THIS: COMMENT. Then I'll atleast know you're still out there. And By the way, I need to give you shit for not comming to my grad party. Need to give Jack shit too... For a couple reasons. HA HA HA!!! Just thinking about it makes me laugh. I'M #1!! That bastard didn't show up in Rome... I shall beat him later. I know he wasn't working. He previous place of employment is now closed. Ok, really bed. I'm too fucking tired. emit rof em ot og ot deb.
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