I know whatcha all have been thinking. As I am a mind reader. While you each have your own particular wordings, it goes something like this:
"WTF, Majes? Where are the PicPosts? Srsly, dude, srsly - I need my fix! I'm dying over here."
That's actually the exact wording from
wispfox's thoughts. But the rest of you are thinking the same thing, with perhaps more fucks thrown in. Well - except for
hrafn. In her case, its just "Fuck! Fuck fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Oh look, spring blossoms! Fuck fuck fuck..."
*stares at hrafn*
Ahem - anyway, recently
xtina shot me over a big load of pics, and it was just the prod I needed. The creative damn broke, and the glowing, giggly juices it held back spilled down into the valley, wiping out everything in its path, destroying the hopes and dreams of the simple farm folks that scratched out an existence there...
How about some pictures? That's something we all can enjoy!
First off, let's set the tone appropriately.
*grabs the knob*
*turns it to "Cat with Balloon*
I knew it was a good idea to get a control with that on the knob. And as long as we are in cat mode, how about some of this?
What I like about it is the look in the kitty's eyes. It's all "Yes, sausages... what about it? Like you never wear sausages around the house?"
In other news, I know you've all probably been hearing strange rumors about the space just beyond the light box right before your eyes. There is all kinds of interesting things happening in that space. The tech for interfacing with it is still a bit buggy - but I understand there are some exciting new developments in this realm right now. For example:
Crazy, amirite? Even so, I'm the kinda guy who jumps in on these betas. I'll give it a shot this weekend, and let you all know how it works out.
So, while we were all busy on the internets, the dogs have, as requested, been running things on their own. Of course, they don't spend all of their time tending to us and our various needs. They do focus on developing the latest in dog tech too. Such as this...
Delightful! These puppy packs will be all the rage!
Being who I am, I often get asked about things that happened thousands of years ago, since I was there and all. For example, what were the seeds of modern religious beliefs? Well, it was pretty much like this:
Of course, it was just local supernatural entities fucking with you all, like they do. However, like a game of telephone played over a thousand years, the original story has been lost and become some various systems of belief. It was entertaining to watch.
Naturally, this leads to all kinds of wacky follow up questions about the nature of existence and creation and all that what such. No matter how many times I explain that you will eventually remember, I keep getting the same questions. So, here you go - here is a map of existence, its various iterations, how you fit into it, and when you will remember.
It's all so clear. Why do you still look confused? If it helps, most of your understanding is sorta toward the upper right corner of the map. Better?
Fine, fine. Here. Some pretty exploding paper cut out dealy.
Ironically, this also serves pretty well as an explanation for the nature of existence. If you look at it just the right way. Tilt your perceptions just a wee bit. You're so close!
That said, being aware of the true nature of existence isn't all ham and plaques. There some kinda of freaky fun weirdness that goes along with it. For instances - you'll see things like this happening all the time.
Eventually, you get so used to random metallic horse-like entities running out just about any flat surface that you'll hardly pause in munching your french fries when it happens.
That said, even when you get as old and jaded with this cycle of creation as I am, there are still some moments of wonder and beauty that will take your breath away... even if you don't actually breathe anymore.
No matter how many times I see the great wolf eating the moon, it is still striking to me.
And, oddly, there is also a deeper sense of wonder from things that you may well not notice anymore, thinking they are so ordinary. The deep green, for instance, contains a thousandfold layers of complex beauty.
Sure, my job is to facilitate the process of the eventual heat death of this existence - but even I can appreciate the little things while doing my job.
Don't get me wrong - I can also appreciate the purely awesome things too, such as having an ostrich mount.
I hoping to the the epic version, where it is 150% faster and can shoot lasers from its eyes. That is going to be so sweet.
Enough about that. What's going on out there? Have you heard about the latest in organic pet food?
I feel pretty good about this, but then again, I would.
Also, I assume that you all are keeping abreast of the 2010 Cute-Off. Sadly, I can no longer participate - once you get declared "Cutest For Life", they don't let you compete anymore. Let's see how today's teams are doing...
... *looks at own choices on fantasy cute-off brackets* Dang it! I'm out already.
I really shouldn't get involved in these fantasy league businesses. I always lose. However, there is this fantasy wild-kingdom racing league starting up; I have a tip from a insider that this handsome fellow is a shoe-in to win.
Clearly those are some racy colors... *looks at bracket* Hrmm. I'm going to lose again, aren't I?
Know what I really need? Some outside time. A few walks out on my own - off deep into the woods. That would soothe me from my many fantasy league loses.
Alsowise, going somewhere where there is flowing water, and mountains, and beautiful skies, and and and... some of this please.
That's it for my part of this pic pile.
jasra had a couple things that she thought I should share as well.
First off, she clearly has the same sorta of attraction to roads through the deep forest as I do. However, I think in her picture... is that a worrisome void in the road up ahead?
I hate when that happens.
Her other contribution was this playful pair.
I think that someone is about to lose his toy.
As I had mentioned up at the start, my far off love,
xtina, had a whole buncha pics to contribute to the pile. This first one came by itself via a link in chat...
wherein she demonstrated that she knows me and my sense of humor.
This first pic, it's like a scene right out of my day to day life. I don't know how many of these bonding rituals I've been to in this part of the cycle, but it seems like everyone has gotten to that notion all at once.
They are a beautiful couple; I can't wait to see the spawn that come forth from this union.
Even entities I never imagined as being the type to hook up in a regular, long term thing are getting together. Like Rezhelenka here, an entity of creation, light, and motion; everyone thought that she'd be flying solo forever.
Next thing you know... bam! Her and Haxgalaburang are forging a bond of commitment. Sure, Haxgalaburang is quite the trickster, he could just be playing some complex plan out... but I dunno. I saw him at the ceremony of bonding and he seemed like he was in pretty deep.
One curious turn of events was hearing that Vulnacorus, a devil known for his inciting of burning passions, and Norunburor, a light being of gentle love, were convinced by their shared love - a comely mortal named Elliz Wanetorn - to both enter into union with her.
It was surprising to see how much balance and order came from that union. She managed both of them, a great bridge between their, oft oppositional, forces. No matter how many iterations I see, I still am sometimes surprised by the abilities of mortal beings to manage such things. Then again, I was bound to the flesh myself, so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. Mortals are clever and tricky!
Another bonding that was a surprise to everyone except me - Tika Zem Colran - the dark bureaucrat, a devil of infernal corporate structure, and Won Avvasteshen, a order being of ritual and spiritual ceremony.
Sure, they seem like they are on opposite sides of the table from each other - but they've already done some amazing work together. Srsly. I mean, when they first started dating - they helped guide mortals into the creation of most modern churches. So much brightness and soul-crushing order, all together. Masterful. *tips hat*
Some of the recent unions were a bit more challenging to bring to pass. For example, my friend Sementella here - she'd fallen for a Holy Wrath guy - so much fury directed against all darkness. No one thought it would work out. It turns out, however, they were able to make some arrangements.
I'd never seen him so relaxed. Apparently, despite all that wrath in him, he really needed someone to make him feel secure. As she is a entity of paralytic indecision - together they also bring balance to each other.
One of my favorite scenes from a recent bond ceremony was this one - it came right after the call for anyone who sought to block this bond to come forward.
... it was hilarious; the bones of their fallen enemies rose up in undeath, and tried to stop their union. I know - it's pretty commonplace, but I still get a chuckle every time I see some old bones rattling down the aisle, trying to prevent the bonding of the ones who brought about their grisly, restless death.
One of the rituals about which I was the most excited was the bond between the entity responsible for the consuming emptiness within, and a being of brilliant creation.
Whenever a couple like this get together, you know that, by their combined efforts, there are going to be mortals touched, tormented, and crafted into some amazing artists, scientists, and leaders. The consequences, no doubt, will be as beautiful as they are terrible - but everyone will remember the work of those mortals, even if only in their nightmares.
Oh yeah! During the ceremony, one of the cousins of the couple to be performed a beautiful essence spinning ritual.
regyt - you were there to see this, and you were impressed. I know you don't remember that yet, but when you get around to the part of your order where this has happened already, you will recall how you were aghast with wonder. I think I'll loop back around and observe that again, it was such a good time!
There is even love bonds between some of my various mortal enemies. Fortunately, we are all good sports and put our differences aside to celebrate their special day. For instance, here we have Brangnagald - a devil hunter of renown, and his love, Vizzela - the blood princess - one of most deadly assassins of flesh-bound immortals. Sure, they have probably killed me in as many iterations as I have killed them. Does that mean that I'm not going to be there to celebrate their union? Hells no! I was in the second row, behind the family.
A surprising number of these folks, immortals and enlightening mortals alike, took their post-bonding journey to the exact same place. No, not Disney land. A place a million bazillion times better. The land of love.
Sure, it seems small, but I assure you... it is lovely.