As it happens, I won't be in the office tomorrow. The various gods don't know what I'll be doing with myself for this long weekend, but one thing I most certainly won't be doing is being bored at work. You all are the fortunate beneficiaries of my work boredom. If I had a job that kept me routinely mentally challenged, there would be no such thing as these pic posts. Certainly, there is an interesting blessing and curse factor there. After all, I do like making these posts, and I would miss making them if I had a more challenging job. Then again, if I did have a more challenging job, it would make me feel more satisfied and creatively utilized.
In any case, for as long as it lasts, you have me here to entertain you.
Right out of the gate, I say "Kablam!"
Oh, optical illusions, how I love thee. Yah, it's not really moving. Just stare directly at any given line, especially one near the edge. It's all in your head, baby.
Apparently, I am feeling very visual this month. More so. This next pic is actually my desktop background right now. I can't stop staring off into it. Unsurprising. Since I was young, I've always had some kind of fascination with large, mostly open expanses such as this.
I remember going through a period in my youth where I liked drawing large open areas with distant structures, lone trees, ruins, or landscape features. I think such places figured predominately in my dreams at the time. Not so much so nowadays, even though the visuals still draw me in.
Continuing along the line of the strictly visual experiences, I provide this next one with the secondary purpose of melting
the_xtina's brain.
That trippy experience was actually brought to my attention via
jasra; letters of appreciation can be mailed directly to her.
And with that comment, the nearly perfect segue...
Ha ha ha! I can hardly count the number of times that I've made that very statement!
And speaking about trips, the summer is almost upon us; historically, at some point during the summer, I would make a long road trip; sometimes to Pennsic; sometimes to Maine for rafting. Alas, there are no long road trips for me this year. Long road trips are nostalgia-inducing in me, reminding me of the many cross-country trips that I took in my childhood. I'm sure they were probably stressful as anything to my parents, and there was a lot of bored time in there too. Yet, memory does a fine job of making those old things seem awesome upon reflection. This next pic, it makes me think of those road trips that I'll be missing this year:
On to more topical matters - Wolverine's hair: an exploration of where it fits in the spectrum of all hair configurations. Sorry about the huge size - but it need all that space to fit in the varied possibilities!
This was, btw, provided by
magid who has made it her life work to understand the nature of the wolverine hairdo.
What I notice when looking at Wolverine in that pic is not his hair, but the fact that he is wearing a tie. What the hell? Not that I have a problem with ties, mind you. On the right person, they can be... very nice.
That said, ties and suits aren't really my favorite type of clothing. Oh, I do like them, but I think I am more strongly attracted to the clothing styles of the middle ages. Thus why I like going to Pennsic and other SCA events. However, I'm not all hardcore about it... unlike some folks.
Alas, no Pennsic for me this year. However, I do have my own birthday party to which to look forward. That's always a good time. Tasty food; gaming; sometimes a bit of dancing; laughter... Oh, and
ifuonlyknew making out with someone on the couch. If you haven't seen that before, it looks just like this:
ifuonlyknew is the blond. I suspect that other girl is
And while I am on the subject of cute cuddlers - know what I cannot get enough of? Cats in sinks. Even better? Two cats in a sink.
Awwww! Kitties! If only your furry bits didn't make me want to die!
Yah. Cat allergies suck. I've always loved the kitties; as a child, we usually had two cats. I recall that when I was in the second grade, my cat Spot would frequently sleep on my face. Alas, at some point, my body rejected kitties, though my heart did not. Thus, I still love them, just from afar. Sometimes, I send them flowers.
They seem to appreciate the snack.
On to completely un-kitty related pics...
This pic I found very striking. To me, there is a whole story captured there in. So many dramatic details. It is a very chatty picture.
This next one is a well-done capture of the cycle of the moon. To me, the first part looks like a normal cycle, while from the middle on look like a lunar eclipse.
And now, this pic. Well, well. There are many things that I feel like this picture captures. Check out the facial expressions. The wild look of the nude woman versus the classical beatific look of the nun. The conflict between the flesh and the spiritual? Note who is driving.
And while we are on the subject of wild women, this...
... could easily be a scene from right out of my mind. Either for a story or a game or just my random mind wanderings. I just .... feel it.
On a less cerebral note, if someone wants to make me a mocha with a panda face, not only would I not complain, I would be verra verra happy.
Happy and impressed!
I said, impressed, not depressed - unlike this poor Stormtrooper, fooled by the devious rebels...
He should have a Panda mocha. Works for me every time. Plus, I read in the news that Scientists now say that Coffee is the cure for all ills. It is possible, natch, that this may have lost something in the translation from the scientific journals to the media...
Thanks to
magid for that one too.