Jacko: I saw Stop-Loss with my dad.
Jacko: A little disturbing.
Jacko: And made me mad about a few things too.
Good acting.
Jacko: Realistic blood.
Drew: my overall impression is that you didn't like it
Drew: or wouldn't watch it again
Jacko: Naw, it was touching and troubling. I think about things more substantial than how hot Ryan Philippe is sometimes and this one gave me all kinds of food for thought.
Jacko: The movie tried to depict the reality of war today and what it's like for soldiers who've come home and how they cope. I think the director/writer (Kimberley Pierce) wanted to depict it as a journalist would.
Jacko: Trying to tell the truth but everyone seems to have their spin.
Jacko: I guess if violence and terrorism and war are problems that should be stopped in a country half a world away, something should be done about it. But I have no idea what.
Drew: *nods*
Jacko: I like to think I can think my way out of problems.
Like, a brawl in the street or a school shooting.
Jacko: I guess in a kill or be killed situation, I'd do what I had to in order to survive (though I know not what that could possibly be, as I sit here in my cushy room in front of a $2000 computer entertainment system).
Jacko: I wonder how I would cope with the reality of war. I can't even imagine getting myself through bootcamp.
Jacko: I know that (even) everyday people have an incredible potential to adapt, so I know I could try my best in situation and even seem like myself over prolonged exposure, but I can't imagine how I would get into those situations.
Jacko: Take for instance that guy in California, Jason. I wonder if he knew what it would be like in training. I wonder if he knew that some things would be easy and that being away from home and isolated from family and friends would be so difficult.
Jacko: He didn't even go to war and his emotional state went south.
Jacko: It's like the training broke him.
Drew: are you sure he wasn't south to begin with?
Jacko: I guess I'll never find out what the military is like because being gay isn't exactly praised in the honourable heterosexual military ranks.
Jacko: I'm not sure, but there are a lot of emotionally wounded people enlisting and that would be upsetting to experience firsthand.
Jacko: So much training. So much protocol and so many rules. So much etiquette to learn and remember. I'd have to devote so much time and energy to learn it all. And I'd learn a bunch of great stuff (strategy and relavent physics and other science I can apply to life in Metro Vancouver) and become stronger along the way (physically and mentally) but I don't know if there is that much in me to give.
Jacko: Training like that isn't for everyone. And just because the military is extreme and powerful, it doesn't mean it's the only way (or even A way) to meet yourself
Jacko: Like, really meet yourself. To learn what I'm capable of and see how the discipline improves my life and to find out what I would do in a life or death scenario.
Jacko: I watch a lot of action and martial arts movies and I wonder if I would be courageous enough to stop "bad people" and protect "the innocent".
Jacko: I then wonder how bad, bad people are. How they hide amongst the "good people" and then I wonder how innocent we all really are.
Jacko: Heavy thoughts. Most likely redundant and unprovable. But there are crazed people in schools with guns, shooting and/or killing people they don't even know over things that happened in their emotionally twisted brains.
Jacko: And when I'm not thinking, "that would never happen to me", I stop to consider, "what the FUCK would I do? Would I do ANYthing?"
Jacko: I got hit by a truck and I walked around a busy street wondering how tall I was.
Drew: o.o
Drew: what?
Jacko: And then I thought, "from the corner of my eye (which isn't focussing all too well right now) I can see that Rukun us moreorless fine. Is this my time to call 911 for help? Would that be the appropriate thing to do. Should I be looking to see if more cars are going to hit me? The truck is blocking the way. What if some car hits the truck and thus propels it towards me and Rukun? That probably would've happened by now, But what if it hits later than what I think? What if I'm being too logical? I just got hit by a truck, I'm dazed. What if I'm not capable of being logical in a dazed state? I don't feel illogical. But that could be the dazedness talking, like when I'm drunk..." on and on it went until I dialled 911. I thought ALL OF THAT AND MORE after Doucheface and I got hit by that truck.
Jacko: This happened a long time ago. Those thoughts, that massive paragraph. Occurred to me much in the way I just typed it for you. And it occurred to me in seconds. Like, 2 or 3 seconds.
Unless being dazed fucked up my internal clock, but my internal clock is remarkable.
Jacko: I had a hard time hearing and focussing on the nice emergency operator lady's voice. I had difficulty answering her simple question of "police, fire, or ambulance?" I think I asked her to repeat the question.
Drew: wow
Jacko: I took me a while to realize I needed to get out of a busy four lane street.
Jacko: I should save this conversation.
Now I feel shallow.
I don't understand.
Drew: ?
Jacko: I just thought I should save this and then I felt shallow. Sorry. I'm in a weird mood. Not exactly sad.
~Toujours Jacques