Backdated to not long after Kakashi and Tentens poofing....

Aug 31, 2010 22:42

(OOC:I HAVE A WORKING COMPLETE KEYBOARD AGAIN FTW! *catching up on posting like mad* also, Gai's never had people he's close to poof before so...he doesn't get it yet. Please be breaking his overlarge heart.)

[We have a Gai. He's searching through Kakashi's place very thoroughly. Not finding his rival, he leaps out the window and continues his search]

Ah, I wonder if this is some sort of challenge! Perhaps my rival wishes me to find him! YOSH!

[ Next we have him at Hughes place. He knocks enthusiastically once....twice....thrice....twenty nine times before heading out again]

[Flashes of areas around Adstring as he searches faster, his firelizards following him, eyes whirling in confused colors.]

Perhaps my rival and my adorable female student are off training....I am sure I shall find them! If I do not find them today, I shall do 3200 pushups!

gai doesn't get it, wherefor art thou important people?

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