[Accidental Video Post]

Apr 16, 2010 02:03

[Pcd clicks on, obviously on it's own as the owner is occupied at the other end of the room. A damp green jumpsuit is hanging from a string rigged in a corner, next to two bright orange blobs that could be legwarmers. Not too far away is Gai,facing away from the PCD, a towel around his waist for the moment as he runs through a few warm-up ( Read more... )

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verdant_lotus April 16 2010, 06:28:58 UTC
[Lee's just going to stare at the screen for a moment- then, god help us all, his eyes light up with fervency and his gloved hand clenches into a fist.]

This must be a new method of training!


turn_a_blindeye April 16 2010, 06:30:04 UTC
Mm hm. You and Neji should try it.


verdant_lotus April 16 2010, 06:31:59 UTC
[Lee's jaw drops, and he stares. His cheeks slowly tinge pink, then progress entirely to red.]

I- that- I-


maitolyyouthful April 16 2010, 06:44:14 UTC
Rival! If they were to do naked wilderness training, it would be rude to exclude the full team! Suggesting that only two members participate is implying that Tenten, as the female of the team would not be up to the challenge! That is a very sexist view rival!


turn_a_blindeye April 16 2010, 06:46:06 UTC
Oh, well, oops.


maitolyyouthful April 16 2010, 06:53:48 UTC
I am sure my stubborn female student would brave the elements alongside her teammates with equal spirit!


turn_a_blindeye April 16 2010, 06:56:46 UTC


maitolyyouthful April 16 2010, 07:15:57 UTC
Are you listening to a word I am saying, Kakashi?!


turn_a_blindeye April 16 2010, 07:16:32 UTC
Mm hm...


maitolyyouthful April 16 2010, 07:27:16 UTC
[ Tears, he has tears now!]

Your modern and cool responses shall not deter me, rival!


turn_a_blindeye April 16 2010, 07:29:42 UTC

Yeah yeah.


verdant_lotus April 16 2010, 06:50:49 UTC

[This is terribly relevant on so many levels, but Lee's brain is just breaking.]

That kind of training- I- I know that Tenten would be up to any challenge, but I do not think that would be appropriate.


maitolyyouthful April 16 2010, 07:07:53 UTC
[Honestly didn't think of it that way, training is training which is different from bathing or changing!]

Hmmm...You may be correct, Lee, but it would still be wrong to exclude Tenten based on her gender!


verdant_lotus April 16 2010, 07:10:10 UTC
You are right, Gai-sensei. It would be wrong. But maybe we should not do that kind of training as a team then? It could be distracting and it is important to focus when training!


maitolyyouthful April 16 2010, 07:22:12 UTC
Of course not! Such training is always undertaken alone!


I did not mean to suggest that you would do the training together. I simply meant that if one of you should to the wilderness training, then it would be a good experience for the entire team! If it is done in intervals the rest of the team can stand by within call in case you run into something that you cannot handle alone.


heavenlykunai April 16 2010, 07:18:05 UTC

No, really. You can exclude me in that. I'm fine with that, really. Completely.


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