[Accidental Video Post]

Apr 16, 2010 02:03

[Pcd clicks on, obviously on it's own as the owner is occupied at the other end of the room. A damp green jumpsuit is hanging from a string rigged in a corner, next to two bright orange blobs that could be legwarmers. Not too far away is Gai,facing away from the PCD, a towel around his waist for the moment as he runs through a few warm-up stretches; toe touching, back bends, arms to the ceiling. He pauses and pulls the slipping towel up,then runs a hand over the clothing, sighing to find it still damp then moves closer to the center of the room and begins what could loosely be termed a kata. He stares out the window with longing, a kick carefully pausing centimeters from the wall. As he moves, he turns and his eyes widen as he notes the light on the PCD. Gai leaps towards the device, towel slipping with the speed of his motion and the pcd goes black with an embarassed exclimation]

It is Laundry Day!
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