Who: Hollow Ichigo, Open
Where: Dawn Room
When: Day 005
What: The mystery and cold of the mansion wearing on his deep well of patience and understanding.
Warnings: The Hollow. No, really.
The Hollow species are known for their peaceful ways and sharing with others. )
He smirked when he opened the door to find that white-skinned man from his first day sitting by the fire of this room. He was curious if the man would even attack him in this form. With just as much confidence as before he began to walk into the room. "It's nice and warm in here, isn't it?"
"Piss off, this is mine."
Plain and simple as that. He wasn't willing to share the place with anyone or anything.
He was usually a bit more gracious and much less sarcastic, but as far as he saw it, the Hollow was just a lower ranking wolf that didn't know his place.
Fucking smartass. He had finally found a place that was relatively quiet and the other thought he could just waltz in and take over.
[OOC: Aah sorry @@ Been so busy with my house search... so many tags to catch up before the DW move.]
"Besides, I bested you once. There's no need for skill with a blade if your foe falls asleep on you." That didn't mean that he had no skill, even if he far preferred fang over blade.
"'the fuck ya say?"
Bold son of a bitch was really testing his patience.
It annoyed the Hollow so damned much that he didn't catch on sooner.
"Is that fuckin' right?"
He was having a bit of fun teasing, but he'd rather not actually fight. That was why he had used his magic to disarm the guy before.
Clearly the Hollow wasn't making his position clear in the Mansion. He didn't want to befriend anyone... fight or eat them, maybe.
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