Tug of War: Complete, Closed

Sep 19, 2011 23:42

Who: Haru and Monsters
Where: Hallway
When: Night
What: Haru attempts to escape some monsters. Things do not work out.
Warnings: violence

Haru was still new to all of this. He hadn't met up with anyone yet and when the place changed from old person hell to creepy as fuck he felt more alone than ever. He had to find someone. Someone stronger than him, ironically the same object he always had but this time it wasn’t for revenge. The hallways were alive with creatures he’d never seen before but he didn’t feel safe anywhere.

The quarter entered the hallway on high alert. Immediately arms reached to grab him in the hall. Many arms and many teeth threatened to gobble him down whole.

"Shit shit shit shit!!!"

He dove under the arms one chest mouth, only to be forced in a scramble backwards as another right behind the first chest mouth lunged for him. Haru was faster in his fear induced state but there were two of them. The avoided monster behind him moved to grab him as well. His hand slipped and he stumbled. The quarter felt his foot grabbed by something unholy and it set hair on edge. Haru felt himself being lifted.


The quarter tried to swing his fists at the creature as the other grabbed his wrist. He didn’t have time to react as suddenly the monsters pulled on him. Haru inhaled sharply as he felt his arm pulled out of the socket, both foot and hand placed into the maws of the beasts. They bit down and he screamed. Their arms tugged at him while their bodies inched up devouring him bite by slow bite. Haru struggled but it was useless they held him taught and made it hard to fight back.

A rush of something in hard left him stunned. It was inevitable. He was going to die today.

@first house: first floor, !character death, #monsters, *complete, *closed, &night 001, haru (fire candy)

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