When gridlock is the best one can hope for

Nov 03, 2010 14:02

As disturbing as the national results were--and I saw some pretty disturbed things happening last night --I am truly worried about the Minnesota results. King Tim P. has autocratically run the state into the ground for the last 8 years, with  only the minor speed bump that has been the Democratic State Legislature. Now we have a Republication legislature, plus possibly Tom Emmer as Governor. Tim Pawlenty is a conservative who pushes as far right as he needs to gain political advantage. Tom Emmer is a far right true believer: government should provide for basic functions, and everything else comes out of charity, local government and the private sector. I believe he hits the usual social conservative highlights as well.

So, we can all look forward to:
Even less funding for higher education (and I can anticipate another pay cut)
Less funding for schools, more crowded classrooms (and less special ed support)
Slashing of health and human services budget (sicker patients, and less services for Cam)
Increased property taxes
Decreased services from local government
Not to mention failing infrastructure, and increased focus on abstinence, heterosexuality, marriage, Christianity and possbly whiteness (ok, I'm getting a bit snarky).

If Dayton manages to win the recount, the best we can hope for is gridlock--and that's if he and the remaining Dems can grow a spine.

The only inspiration on the day was Feingold's concession speech. That man can make anyone hope.

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