TGS Report - Part 2

Sep 25, 2006 05:23

Finally got down to typing this up.


The Gyakuten Saiban booth was actually set to look like the game's court. XDDD I just watched the promo movie and didn't play the demo. Since I'm not a GS fan, hard for me to comment much on the booth but in the GS4 promo video, I find Odoroki very cute when he was ruffling his hair out of frustration. There was also a "Tokusen Saiban" program shown on the TV, where Naruhodo and Mayoi got voices and they put up highlights of the past games. I think I got a lot of GS3 spoiled to me, hahah. 8D But it's cute to hear Naruhodo and Mayoi getting voices and their interactions were funny.

Devil May Cry 4 looks... just like DMC3 to me. XD; In the promo vid, there were two white-haired guys in red. I know one's Nero but who's the other? >_>; It was funny seeing Nero (or the other guy, I can't tell the difference!) kicking the other guy right on the face.

Bandai Namco

Their booth was damn crowded. XD; There was something going on at the stage but I was too short to see anything beyond the hundreds of heads in front me so I couldn't see a thing. It seems it might have been the Tales stage?

New promo video for Tales of Destiny! :D And it seems someone actually recorded it so go watch it here! (Thanks to shinryu_nanashi for the link) You can also see the hi-ougis in this video, which has slightly better audio) Thought I would line up for the demo but the waiting time was very long and I didn't feel like lining up again after KH:CoM so I just watched other people playing. LEON'S STATUS ILLUST IS HAWT. D8 You can see Stahn's status illust in the Bamco video report here, though. Another thing that wasn't shown on the trailer is that you can see the Swordians' human forms in the chat system. :D I saw Dymlos and Atwight, Race and the Big Guy (I dunno his name but he's in our party) and I think there was another Swordian (or maybe just another character) but I can't remember how they looked like...

I also got a booklet from Bamco's booth and it has an interview with Yoshizumi (Tales producer) and Uchiyama (.hack//GU producer). Got some pretty interesting info in here, like, uh, THESE PRODUCERS ACTUALLY DO SURF GAME FORUMS, BLOGS AND ART FANSITES TO LOOK AT PEOPLE'S OPINION OF THEIR GAMES, OMGGGG. XDDDDD Besides that, Leon's story from the drama CDs will be added into the PS2 remake and Yoshizumi said they made Leon do a lot more things this time and they're gonna make sure that we cry once we get to the Leon spoiler in the game, oh my. 8D;; I guess since everyone already know the spoiler by now (even those who didn't even play the original ToD >_>;), they decided to give more impact to us Tales vets?

I'm gonna scan the interview and the ToD intro pages because they have a screenshot of Leon's chat art!! *_*

Trusty Bell still looks as good as my first impression of it. The new trailer of it was very angsty, though. o_O I just noticed Sakuraba's name now too, so wow, he's back with orchestra/classical music this time? :D I wanted to try out the game's demo (the wait was just 45 minutes, which is a lot shorter compared to other more popular titles) but I watched someone else playing and I realized I know nuts about XBox360's controls so I decided to just watch from afar. The guy I was watching, like, sucked in battles, though. XD I think he knew that too because later on he decided to avoid battles completely. XDD

Misc Playstation 3 booths/trailers

I thought Unknown Realms' trailer looked interesting and it turns out it's by the creator of Shin Megami Tensei, with Games Republic (PSP Brave Story) and Shirogumi? :O (I got the MegaTen info from the Persona 3 GF board so I'm not sure if this is true or not) The info they had of the game in PS3's game catalogue (GOD, I GOT SO MANY FREE BOOKLETS FROM THIS EVENT) sounded interesting too, so I think this game gets my attention now. ...... OKAY, I CONFESS, I THOUGHT THE GUY IN GLASSES LOOKS HAWT AND REMINDS ME OF LEZARD SO I'M JUST INTERESTED IN THE GAME FOR HIM, THERE, HAPPY!?

At the PS3 playable demos booth, there was this game called "fl0w" and it was... weird but pretty. o_O; You were just controlling a... cell-like substance and you just float around and eat up other pretty cell-like substances... IT WAS A POINTLESS GAME but it looked damn pretty but it was also the only demo with the least amount of people lining up for it. XDD

I couldn't find any Wii games and it turns out most of them were at Sega's booth? D: Darn, I should have walked around that area... That's all I bothered to look around. Around the last couple of hours of the event, I wasn't sure what to do anymore so I lined up for Squenix's Closed Theatre for the 2nd time to watch the last showing of the new trailers.


HW(EYASLK@$ I CAN'T GET SUBARASHIKI KONO SEKAI'S TRAILER OUT OF MY HEAD. =_= I THINK OUT OF ALL THE TRAILERS THAT PLAYED IN THE THEATRE, SUBASE'S MY MOST FAVOURITE. Yes, I know Versus had Mr. No Socks and KH was all glorifying and stuff, but somehow I love the whole environment in Subase the most... Anyway, you can see a gameplay video of it here. I was too scared to line up for Subase's demo because I've never tried out the NDS' controls, too. XD; But man, I wanted the badge they gave out to people who tried out the demo, though...

On a random note, I didn't know Before Crisis had a trailer like this. o_O


Fasting was okay yesterday. XD I started to be all slacky and stuff again after noon, as usual, so I decided to pop in US KH2 and tried to fill up as much of Jiminy's Memo as I could. AND SO I FINALLY BEAT SEPHIROTH!!! ;_; TAKE THAT, SEPHY, I FINALLY PWNED YOU AGAIN! At level 79. Now I can finally happily wait for KH2:FM+ and imagine myself pwning you again there, HAHAH. I still have a lot of Olympus Coliseum quests to finish up before I can get 100% Jiminy Memo, though...

tales of destiny, events, japan

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