
Feb 01, 2010 04:31

So the link for the Petshop RPG is up at my other journal on the link list.
Since the mainpage went down and everybody's restless, some of the scenes and alternative plays can be done there. Even though the design is very pink for now. (For everybody not knowing what I'm talking about: it's some Yaoi-Fetish-RPG in German that I got drawn into.. it's ( Read more... )

uni-life, personal rambling, petshop, real life

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maijame February 2 2010, 00:56:13 UTC
Oh boy, I totally love it when you actually comment here! Maybe I SHOULD post here more...
But thanks, other than 60cm of Snow (and rising) I'm fine healthy and only a little stressed.
My exams will be finished on the 8th, Feb and I'll try to get the Santa gift ready for Valentines, but I don't promise anything, I might have to work at my part-time-job that day.

Anyway^^ News Articles are mostly BORING and I read Goethe and *I* don't always get him. If you can read Goethe in German you should be proud, cause most of his books are a stylistic mess and very depressing. His poems are a bit nicer...

But you don't have to practice with these texts you know?
I practiced English through reading thousands of fanfictions and Children's Novels. You get a really good grip on the language if you read texts about something that you really like or know a lot about already.Of course, it's awfully easy to make up new words or nonsense-words with a certain feel to it in the German language, and a lot of people are sloppy with grammar ( "ich hab" instead of "ich habe") so ficitional and amateur texts might not be the best if you have to master formal language...
In the end it doesn't matter which kind of text, really. What counts is the feeling you develop for the language, the mood and flow of it during the reading experience, it's just my personal preference to read something you might actually enjoy. (There are some bilingual Magazines and books too...some of them for free! e.g. the letternet magazine from the post)

....ahem...yes,.. *teacher mode to off-setting now*

My notebook LIVES.. all it needed was a new mainboard, a new akku and nearly 400€ to make everything all better. *sigh* I actually experienced REALLY SEVERE Withdrawal symptoms!!!

And I'll pass on the congratulations.. it's still 7 1/2 months though. xD
Oh, and I'll let you in on a secret: The kid was recieved on Christmas Eve.



inafrozenworld February 3 2010, 23:19:51 UTC
Lol Thank you ^///^ I'm really glad you like seeing me comment - I like hearing from you!

60cm?! Wow o.o It was like that here in December but that's all melted now. If you're busy then it's fine - you have it and that's the main thing :) We did have one person who sent us nothing at all but I trusted you'd get back to us!

I think it's his early poems and hymns we're studying so nothing as difficult as novels. I really hate studying news articles though. We have to use that sort of stuff in our practical classes and I can never understand why they have to pick topics I'd struggle to speak about in English let alone German :( At one point we had to explain the education system in Austria in German.

Before my German exam two years ago I found and watched a few episodes of Tsubasa German dubbed and managed to lift a phrase from Syaoran lol so I know what you mean :D I'd probably learn even more if I'm reading though - that's a really good idea! I think I've found German fanfiction before and didn't get on too well with it but that does sound like the perfect way to keep my German up once I've left the course ^^ thank you! I didn't even know you got bilingual books? I have to admit, I got on much much better reading Schlink than reading Böll and part of that was definitely because I enjoyed that book more :)

That's very steep :( and life without a laptop would be awful! It's a really good thing they managed to save it.

There are so many 'present' jokes you could make out of that but they're all too cheesy xD

*huuuugs back*


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