
Feb 01, 2010 04:31

So the link for the Petshop RPG is up at my other journal on the link list.
Since the mainpage went down and everybody's restless, some of the scenes and alternative plays can be done there. Even though the design is very pink for now. (For everybody not knowing what I'm talking about: it's some Yaoi-Fetish-RPG in German that I got drawn into.. it's fun^-^ I've got two masters and two pet-characters by now.)

My exam period is halfway over and I decided to keep this journal for the sake of my friends page, but regarding actual entries, I won't be updating much anymore.
If you know German, you can go here: Chronicles of Procrastination and read there. Any entrys in English will be crossposted here, at least I intended to do so.

I finally got my notebook back and it's working again, so I'm catching up with everything. First on my list are the exams, next is absolutely the probably latest Secret Santa gift ever... and some other stuff I promised to finish.

And just as a side note: My flatmate is about to become an aunt. Congratulations! Let's wager on whether it's going to be a boy or a girl. My guess is a girl. But I'd probably want a boy, because Laura just isn't a name I would pick. I knew a Laura that was a really arduous person...

uni-life, personal rambling, petshop, real life

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