I'm having problems with falling asleep again lately. I get tired around 7, but I can't possibly go to sleep so early, I have too much to do. But after 9pm I'm wide awake till the early morning hours... @@
This is starting to get to me, because thanks to the tour for the seminar on saturday and working the breakfast-shift on sunday I had a total amount of 6 hours of sleep FOR THE WHOLE WEEKEND!!!
So I skipped my tutorium today to sleep. And I'm hating myself, because I already regret it, it's troublesome enough and I probably won't be able to catch up again.... T.T But I had a fucking headache from hell, because of my lack of sleep. I'm weak. u_u
Ah well.... tomorrow is another day. And I haven't caught the Pig's Flu, found nice new shoes (this time, they are actually black and my size and not quite high enough heels to be dangerous during winter, but high enough to make me feel taller next to ridiculously tall, not namely mentioned friends.)
It's strange but high heeled shoes actually boost my confidence... Maybe because they make me feel like I'm less of a kid? Besides, my mother never wore them and always adviced me against them to the point that it really annoyed me, because I generally preferred running shoes anyway... I guess that's some kind of late rebellion or something?
And tomorrow's Tuesday! That means Prince of Tennis, tea, chocolate, my friend's boyfriend's cooking for dinner and some soothing company to tell me that I'll be able to attend even without enough sleep.
I'm still young for another 2 years or so...