Masa, December 28, 2008 - January 03, 2009

Jan 04, 2009 03:14


With today, work for this year is finished and done!
From early morning until now, I've been filming the new PV!!

Iya~ There was no time to rest, so I'm all exhausted now... (^_^;)

For the last time this year, I've poured my everything, my whole soul into it!!
Please wait for it until the album's release~ ♪
It shall be an awesomely cool PV!!

Look forward to it~ (^^)



Thank you very much for everything during the course of this year and otsukaresama deshita!

This year has been a fulfilling one. (^_^)
I was happy to have been able to try myself at a lot of different things, and I also learnt a lot from them!!
In the future too, I plan to make use of everything I've learnt this year, so that 2009 can be just as rich as the previous year!!

If I had to describe this year with one word, it would be...
"Colour"!! [1]
... Productions and roles of a different colour, various things, various encounters, and maybe even I myself have gotten a bit more colourful? This is the meaning I was thinking of when I chose "colour"!

Well then, what kind of year might the next one be? (^^)

How about you all?
Let's do our best in 2009 as well! ♪

Again, thank you very much for this one year!! Though it's already here in a few hours, please keep an eye out for me in the coming year as well!!
Have a great new year!!☆

[1] Kanji means 'colour', but when doubled, it also means 'various, different'.


Toshiotoko here! :) [2]

Happy New Year!!

May this year as well be a fantastic, smile-filled year for all of you!!

Everyone, please keep an eye out for me in 2009 as well.

Nakagauchi Masataka

[2] Toshiotoko (man of the year) and toshionna (woman of the year), respectively, are people born in a year with the same sign of the Chinese zodiac as the current year. In Masa's case it's 1985, which was year of the ox, same as 2009. Toshiotoko & onna also traditionally have the honor to ritually scatter beans at households during Setsubun.


Fitting for New Year's?!

Right now, I am having kaiseki-ryouri. (^^) [3]

I thought I put up a picture of every portion...
... well half of them at least. (^_^;)
By the way, the one with the empty plate was the sushi I forgot to take a picture of when it was brought to the table. (laugh)
They were filled with tuna, so delicious! (>_<)

They're still going to bring more food, though I'm a bit full already... (^_^;)

But it's rude to leave food like this over, so I'll try to have a taste of everything!

Well then, see you later~☆

[3] Kaiseki-ryouri is traditional Japanese meal brought in portions.


☆ Fishing ☆

Ta-da-da daaa! (laugh)

I caught a sea bream!!

I went fishing today with our drummer, Yasu-san!!
It's been a good while since I last fished!

Luckily I didn't end up "bald"~! (>_<)
Ah, let me explain what "bald" means~ ♪ ※ "Being bald" means that one didn't manage to catch even a single fish!

The sea bream in the picture was still small, so I released it!! [4]
Ah, let me explain what "release" means~ ♪ ※ "Releasing" a fish means sending it back to the sea again!
For fishermen, it's evident to always release the small ones. (laugh)

Yasu-san has also released a small squid. (^_^)

Results of today's fishing trip: One squid, one megochi, a small sea bream and a small fugu for me, and two grown squids and a small one for Yasu-san. [5]

Iya~ Fishing is fun!☆

[4] "Release" is written in English.
[5] I assume you all know fugu, dictionary tells me "megochi" is "big-eyed flathead", but rest assured, I won't be googling for pictures of creepy fishes to know more. D: But good for you, Masa! :D

nakagauchi masataka

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