Ouji, August 10 - 16, 2008

Aug 17, 2008 02:18


Today I worked hard at stage rehearsal again (*^□^*)

I felt quite tired so I'm charging for 10 minutes now. (●^o^●)

There was a sudden evening shower again today. (@_@;)
Lately it seems I'm only outside when it rains... (゜_゜)

Have to be careful not to catch a cold. (*^o^*)/
Everyone, take care too! ♪


Where I sparkle is the stage ☆

Today we had rehearsal again. (*^□^*)
Lately I'm able to face practice very level-headed, and I'm planning to get my act together even more from now on. (≧▽≦)ゞ

Today's picture is of the firework display to which I was invited by one of my elementary / middle school friends. (o≧∇≦)o

Even though I've been invited, I couldn't go... (*_*)

This year I won't make it to a firework display it seems... (@д@)
I love fireworks, so I really wanted to go. (*^^*) It'd be nice if I could be there next year~ o(^o^)o

Tomorrow I'll do my best at rehearsal again~ p(^^)q


I'll be finishing this off before my birthday

I haven't forgotten to recharge today either! (*^□^*)

Since lately I'm always eating out, I really have a craving for some homemade food these days~ ( ̄□ ̄;)
My hometown is famous for its hacchou miso, [1] so I'd love to have some soup made of dark miso paste~ (*^□^*)

Maybe I should cook some for myself once in a while, huh? v(^-^)v
It's good for one's health as well. ☆

I noticed that the expiration date of the Calorie Mate drink I had today is my own birthday, so I took a photo of it~ ☆

Am I glad about it, or sad about it? Well, it's 70% happiness, 30% sadness, so I thought why not put this picture up? (≧▽≦)ゞ

[1] Hacchou miso is a local dish of Okazaki, Aichi prefecture.


The mind is infinite ♪

Today after rehearsal I went to a meeting of Television HOMME Collaboration Planning. (o≧∇≦)o

I brought a sketchbook in which I've drawn several different design images. (≧▽≦)/
Detailed information will be uploaded by my staff shortly. ♪

It's been a while since I drew this many pictures, it was really fun! (*^□^*)☆

The sensation of holding a pencil, the way the sketchbook becomes smeary by my hand, I really like this feeling. (≧▽≦)ゞ
And the sound the pencil sharpener makes. (*^∇^*)

In my mind, there's freedom... and that takes a shape. ☆ Although this one's not finished yet, but I'm looking forward to completing it. (*^^*)

I've always enjoyed creating things.☆ Plays are the same. p(^^)q
From now on too, I want to construct them together with everyone~♪


Shingitai [2]

Today after rehearsal, we went to eat dinner with the staff and the cast (Kei-chan, Ba~chon, Takuya and Yuuichi)! (*^□^*)

Even when we're out dining, before we notice we always get into a heated talk about the play. (≧▽≦)/
I love such an atmosphere~ ♪

Before the restaurant, we went to Tokyo Tower together. (*^□^*)

It was nice to see the Tokyo Tower after a long time, and I was happy to have had a chat with everyone, so today has been a perfect day. (●^o^●)

Now there are only a few days of practice left. (o≧∇≦)o
For the audience, for everyone cheering me on, for myself... ☆
I'll do my best at practice in these remaining few days! (*^o^*)/

[2] Three qualities of a sumo wrestler: heart, technique, physique.


Who's there behind me??

Today I went to rehearsal again~(*^□^*)

Since there's practice every day, the days are a bit monotonic, but I feel like I'm maturing from day to day!!

The rest of the world already has obon holidays, huh? [3]
I don't have time to return to my family's home, so I plan to do a shrine visit here where I live. (o≧∇≦)o

You all have fun during the holidays in my stead, all right? (*^^*)♪

[3] Obon is a holiday in August when most people return to their hometowns, families to pray for their ancestors. Read more about it here.


The correct answer from last time is Satou Yuuichi ☆

Today I went to rehearsal again~ (*^□^*)

Today we didn't took any breaks during it, so a lot of things have become clearer. (≧▽≦)/
Improving myself more and more, I'm facing opening day filled with hopes! (≧▽≦)ゞ

I've gotten some comments on yesterday's blog along the lines of "You seem to be gaining muscles!", so today, here they are. (*^o^*)
They are still totally skinny though. (@_@;)

Aiming for more physical strength!♪

yagami ren

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