Masa, June 22 - 28 2008  

Jun 30, 2008 02:37

A lingering memory...

For some reason I'm really happy...

I sent a thank you mail to everyone who came to see me yesterday.☆
I would have never thought that so many of my acquaintances would come, it's like a dream...
I couldn't be more happy!!
After the LIVE was over, all my affiliates who were upstairs, have gathered on the first floor to toast and congratulate me.
After the LIVE was over, I could barely stand, but when I saw the smiles of the people who came, my dizzyness was blown away in a second! (laugh)
I can't skillfully put it in words, but I was really really happy!!! Completely happy! (laugh)

And when I arrived at Pippin rehearsal today, I received more kind words from the members who were there yesterday.♪
Somehow I couldn't stop grinning all day! :D
I was really glad about your comments as well~ ♪
Thank you ☆

Oh and yesterday at the afterparty, I finally drank some beer! (laugh) It was the best beer I ever had!!



Today was a day spent dancing! ♪
There'll be a morning shooting tomorrow and then likely one more day filled with dancing! (laugh) That's to be appreciated!!

Since yesterday I'm in full Pippin mode!!
Doing my best--!!

Today I saw the pictures taken during the LIVE at the Akasaka BLITZ, I have some noteworthy expressions on them. (laugh) I think the way I look when singing, is starting to get closer to the image when i'm dancing. Will make more effort to keep it so!! Also, I will likely do a tour in the future, so everyone who couldn't come to the LIVE, please wait for me~♪
Ah, and thank you for the presents and letters! I just picked them up today!☆


The enemy is yourself?!

Today was reeeally hot~!! Even in a tank top it was too hot! (sweatdrop) The nights are hot as well, so I'm not able to sleep well...
If the heat continues like this, how will July and August be then?!
Is what I've been wondering all day...
Pippin rehearsals are progressing nicely ♪
Though somehow I can't dance some parts the way Ueshima-sensei [1] has imagined... They are well-practiced and done consciously, but still not good enough... But I won't give up and do my best to get an OK!!
Speaking of which, I wholly feel how "god-like" Ueshima-sensei's choreography is. Am admiring it. Am respecting it.
I'd love to become a dancer who is fully approved by Ueshima-sensei!!
Iya~ I mean, as a dancer and a singer and as an actor as well, I have to become someone worthy of approval!
I won't lose! ♪

[1] Ueshima Yukio, stage director and choreographer for both Tenimyu and Pippin.


Kime-san ☆

After today's Pippin practice, I went out for dinner with Kime-san and Aibacchi!! [2]
We went to an all-you-can-eat pork and beef-shabu restaurant, just the three of us ☆
Even though it was shabu-shabu [3], I only ate chicken, egg-meatloaf and vegetables. (laugh)
Kimeru-san ate so much, his belly looked round like an expecting mother's!! This was a really amusing conversation topic on the way home~ (laugh)
Kimeru-san, gochisousama deshita ☆ [4]

[2] KIMERU and Aiba Hiroki, Pippin co-stars.
[3] "Shabu-shabu" is similar to hot-pot, a dish made of thinly sliced meat (chicken, pork or beef), tofu and vegetables, usually served with dipping sauces.
[4] "Gochisousama deshita" is said after one or the partner finishes eating, it expresses hope that the food was delicious.


Pippin ♪

Iya~ Today I realized again what a fantastic stageplay Pippin is!!
Even more than before, it's very easy to get immersed and caught up in the world of Pippin.
There's only a bit left until the performance!! We'll be packing heat more and more-!!


[no subject]

Today we went out drinking after rehearsal ended!!
Everyone is a bit drunk in a good way... Although personally, I'm not that drunk (laugh)
Though I'm singing "Why are people drinking sake? ♪", does this mean I am drunk then?! [5]
But no worries~ (laugh) I'll be careful not to drink too much!!
After a long while I'm getting a free day tomorrow, so I'm planning to do some body-maintenance!!

[5] A bit definitely, cause this sentence sounded really weird! :))))))


Recharge Complete!!

Hey!! What's up?♪
When I typed "recharge complete" as a title... I also remembered the song [6] from Dream Live! (laugh) Plagiarism...

Yesterday was fun!♪
When the afterparty ended, we went to a place called "Abu Ramen" to have some ramen!
Shouldn't ramen come with soup normally?!
However, there's no soup on the ramen at "Abu Ramen"! This was the first time I ate ramen without the soup, I was surprised!
But I was even more surprised that it tasted good even without the soup! (laugh)

[6] "Juuden Kanryou", one of Kikumaru's songs from Tenimyu.

nakagauchi masataka

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