Masa, January 11 - 17, 2009

Jan 19, 2009 00:44

PUPPY. *_*

O-ho~ (^0^)/

I went to the convenience store, and this is what I discovered!!

Since I'm a Hiroshima native, I thought there's no way I can not try this once, so I bought it~ (^^)

It should be delicious, so try it too, everyone~ (^0^)/

Ja~ nou~☆ [1]

[1] This whole entry is written in Hiroshima dialect. :)


What day is it today?!!!

Yesterday's ramen!!

Was very delicious~☆
Definitely try it! (^^)

Today's the day of coming-of-age celebration, right~?! [2]
Even though I was certain that it was just a normal weekday, until I went to the stage introduction for the movie. (^_^;) "Why is a stage introduction scheduled for Monday morning?" is what I thought. (^_^;) But anyway, when I arrived at Ikebukuro, I've already realized that it's a national holiday today!!
Moreover, I learnt during the stage introduction that it's Coming of Age Day. (^_^;)
No good...
My sense of days is getting totally messed up... (^_^;)

Well, but let's not talk about me!!

Congratulations on coming-of-age!☆
Now you have entered the world of the adults~ (^^) Those who are still 19, will have to wait a bit more, though!☆
Time flies by in a blink of an eye after you have reached 20, so make the best of every day, everyone!!

Well then, let's do our best tomorrow too!

[2] Seijinshiki is celebrated on the second Monday of January. The age of majority in Japan is 20, and the festival covers all those who will reach this age during the current school year, which runs between April and the following March.



Songs... [3]




Songs♪ [4]

Songs won't get our of my head...
I can't sleep...

Although I have to...

But the songs...


One piece of song...

Two pieces of song...

Three pieces of song...

Four pieces of song...




Good night~ (^^)

[3] "Song" is written differently in all cases, hiragana (うた), colloquial kanji (歌)、literary kanji (唄) and katakana (ウタ). :D 
[4] And again... xD



After rehearsal, I had dinner at a yakitori restaurant!!

Liver, the food I hate so much....

Was so delicious that I ate it all up. (laugh)
Only two were left (^0^)/


I miss her...

Altar Boyz!!

It's going to be a fresh, new kind of stageplay, different from all the previous musicals!!
It might even change the viewpoint of the audience!
It would make us amazingly HAPPY if we could manage to convey a new kind of feeling to you by standing on stage!!
Hence we want show you everything we can, to the maximum and on the highest level!! I strongly feel so!!
Touyama-san, Gou-san, Rouma-san, Rachi-san - having been able to meet them and rehearse with them is giving me a miraculous power and stimulus every day!! Because of this, I have to do what I can to the maximum, so that I, as a single person, as a member of this company, can give the greatest stimulus to all of you as well!
I'm still unskilled in a lot of areas, so I might cause them a lot of trouble, but I hope I can turn this little light of mine into a big, shining one... I hope everyone will feel the same too... I will do my best in my own style!!
Everyone is pulling me along and helping me out a lot, but hopefully I can also find something in which I can pull them along as well and create a great production together with them!
No, not just hoping for it, but taking action to make it so!!
With everyone's cooperation, in good rivalry, improving ourselves and each other by working hard - that's how I want to move forward!!


Please look forward to it!!

Ah~ I want to see my darling baby girl~ o(^-^)o

Yup! A doting parent, is what I am! (laugh)


An endearing purity!

Went to do another stage introduction for the movie today~!!
It feels like I've been doing this a lot lately...
Though I am grateful, seeing that this chance is only for a short while, and also a lot of fun!
Will be doing one tomorrow as well~(^0^)

Today, Karin-chan, who plays the little sister of Yuuta's character, Takumi, was in the audience. So during the introduction I asked her to be today's special guest!!
Listen to this!!!! The thing Karin-chan is holding is apparently the other self of Yuuta-oniichan. (^^)
When I asked her, "Why is this supposed to symbolize Yuuta?", she said: "Because Yuuta-oniichan gave it to me!☆"!!
Ah~ Awww~ To cute!! (:_;)
Such purity!! I hope she will forever stay this way. (^^) Since that thing is something she got from Yuuta, it's very precious to her. I understood this well. (^_^)

Even though this had nothing to do with me, somehow it still made me happy!!

nakagauchi masataka

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