Feb 01, 2011 00:22
I'm such a dick, I keep looking at flight prices to go to London in April during my spring break, which happens to be when Sugarcult is playing 2 shows in England. It's really a great excuse to go, as it's usually the same price if not less expensive to fly somewhere else in Europe other than England. Since their culture is so similar to the US and the fact that they speak English, it's not really that exciting to me (well, being surrounded by accents would be pretty exciting for a day, hehe), so it's not quite as much of an adventure and I would rather go somewhere with a different culture and language. Though I just got back from my other trip that wasn't cheap, soo it probably isn't going to happen. But $557 for a direct flight on Virgin Atlantic in April? A pretty sweet deal. Mayyyybe I can swing it. I would feel kinda lame seeing Sugarcult there since it's sorta obvious that's part of the reason I'd be there, but at the same time I think it's been 3.5 years since I've seen them(!!!), and most of my friends in England I know through Sugarcult are all gonna be there and it'd be a pretty sweet party. Plus, I could possibly fit in a trip to another country through one of the cheap airlines for a few days.
Yeah, I guess that's all, just thinking out loud, hehe. Who knows...