Mar 30, 2007 13:45
I've been doing more actual progress on costume-type things lately, so I thought I'd make a plan of thing I want to make (in order).
1. Regency Dress - So far I am finished my shift, stays, and bonnet. The petticoat needs to be hemmed and have buttons added. That leaves the dress itself. I am so close to done, *squee*! I also want to make a spencer out of the left-over blue wool from my Maid Marian dress. Then I will have a full regency outfit! Hooray!
2. 50s Sun Dress - Since I will be staying in the city this summer, I feel like I should have some nice summer clothes, which I don't. I plan to make a summer dress from Butterick 4513 which is a pattern from 1957. I plan to make it from yellow cotton eyelet with blue binding and belt.
3. Tudor Ballgown - Since I already have the shift and stays, I would really like to work on a Tudor gown. I have a feeling, though, that this will be a long-term project, as it is a LOT of layers and uses a lot of fabric. Next I want to work on my petticoat, which I plan to make from red linen.
4. Edwardian Dress - Since I fell in love with the Past Patterns 1911 dress I have been itching to make something Edwardian. I also already have an Edwardian camisole and drawers that belonged to Granny which I can use as a pattern. I'd have to make a new corset for this one, though.
5. Robe a L'Anglaise - I am rediculously in love with the 18th century and have wanted a robe a l'anglaise for a while now. But unfortunatly I have NONE of the undergarments for this one, so I really will have to start from scratch. But I do REALLY want to make a pair of robin's egg blue stays like Marie Antoinette wears in the movie.
Thats all for now. This is far over my budget as it is. :-)
50s dress,