Sample post for capeandcowl

Feb 15, 2010 16:48

It felt odd, walking around in human clothing in a city and not attracting any stares. In the human world she was familiar with, Yukina would have been easily identified as not being normal. Turqoise was hardly a natural hair color for humans back there. Here, though...there seemed to be more variety, and it didn't seem to get anything more than a briefly raised eyebrow. Although Yukina preferred her pale blue kimono, the change of clothes she'd recently acquired was still comfortable enough. Blue jeans, a pink t-shirt and running shoes. A year ago, she wouldn't have even known what to call them, but spending time with her friends at the Dark Tournament had been educational. She'd even learned how to play a card game, and they all had a small chuckle at Yusuke's expense. It wasn't entirely nice, but the memory of his little blue spirit beast resting on his head still brought a smile to her face.

As she thought about it, she found herself missing her friends. Travelling alone was one thing, but this was a completely unfamiliar world. Nearly everything that she'd learned about human life over the years had come from her friends, and that knowledge was limited because she hadn't wanted to ask any potentially rude questions. She also hadn't been faced with the prospect of having to look for a job.

And just what was she qualified for, anyhow? Something that would allow her to use her healing abilities, maybe. Assuming it was safe to admit that she had healing powers in the first place.

She saw a "Now hiring" sign in a shop window.

Well, it's worth a try, she told herself.

"Hello," she greeted one of the shop staff with a polite little bow of her head when she walked in. It seemed to be a women's clothing store. That might not be so bad. Better than trying to cook human food for a living, at least. Yukina could be polite to people and smile at them. "I saw that you're looking for workers?"

"We sure are! Here, I'll get you the store manager," said the blonde haired girl she'd greeted. She returned with a pleasant looking middle aged woman.

"Hello there. So, what kind of retail experience do you have, Miss?" asked the manager.

"Ah...none," admitted Yukina. "I'm new to the city and was looking for a job..."

"Do you have any other work experience?" asked the manager. Yukina felt a little awkward having this conversation with the woman. There was no way to explain her circumstances without volunteering a lot of information that would make it obvious she wasn't human. Yukina knew that most humans weren't awful people like Tarukane, though she had her doubts about all humans being as tolerant and open-minded as Kazuma, Yusuke, Shizuru, Keiko and Genkai. It was natural to be fearful of the unknown and she didn't want anyone to be afraid of her.

"Not really," said Yukina. A thought occurred to her. It was a lie, but it wasn't a malicious one. Nor would it be easy to catch her in, given the circumstances. "I was focusing on school, and I know how to sew fairly well..."

"I see. Well, I'll be happy to take your resume," said the manager.

"Resume?" Yukina blinked in genuine confusion. What was a resume? Was she supposed to have one?

"'re really not from anywhere around here, are you?" asked the manager gently. "A resume is a piece of paper where you list your work experience and skills on it...usually it's typed up on a computer and printed out."

Yukina nodded, and watched as the manager seemed to be going through some sort of inner thought process. She almost looked conflicted, Yukina noted.

"Oh what the heck...come by here on Monday at nine am sharp. You seem like a nice girl, and I can give you the training you'll need to do the job. You can't possibly be worse than that one girl who took a smoke break every half hour."

"Really?" Yukina's expression brightened. She'd gotten herself a real job all on her own without any help. It wasn't exactly a dream job, but her boss seemed like she'd be nice enough. She only wished her friends were here so she could tell them about it. It would be a new experience, and something to keep her busy until she figured out how to leave and find her brother. "Thank you! Thank you very much."

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