capeandcowl application

Feb 07, 2010 18:53

Cape and Cowl app

AGE: Legally an adult in all countries.
JOURNAL: evilwildlex
IM: Katana Maid
E-MAIL: evil_wild_lex at yahoo dot com
RETURNING: First time apper

FANDOM: Yu Yu Hakusho
CHRONOLOGY: Shortly after the Dark Tournament
CLASS: Hero - Yukina doesn't think of herself as one, but she will probably keep her dog tags and do her best to help people until she can figure out how to go home.

SUPERHERO NAME: Frost (She probably won't bother with using one at first, though and will just pick the superhero name on a whim)
ALTER EGO: Yukina isn't accustomed to work and wouldn't know the first thing about searching for a job, but she would like to work either as a nurse's aide or at some sort of shelter. She also doesn't have a last name and would have to make one up, or just call herself Yukina Koorime (koorime being the name of her species).

BACKGROUND: Yukina was born to an all-female race of demons called koorime/ice apparitions that are capable of asexual reproduction. The koorime lived in a peacefully isolated place - a small frozen island in the sky with only a thin stem connecting it to the rest of the world. However, her mother Hina broke the rules of her people and had relations with a male fire demon, and Yukina was born with a twin brother. The other koorime regarded the infant boy as an abomination and a threat to their society. He was cast off their island, while Yukina was kept amongst her people. Two years later, Yukina's mother committed suicide, and Yukina was raised by her mother's best friend Ruri, left ignorant of the truth about her brother. Every so often, Yukina would leave her icy homeland. She loved animals, and they responded well to her.

On one of her short excursions away from home, Yukina was captured by demons in the employ of a human criminal named Tarukane. Tarukane was greedy and cruel and wished to use the hiruseki stones produced by her tears to make him even richer than he already was. To prevent her from escaping the isolated mansion he was keeping her in, he covered all possible escape routes with talismans specifically designed to harm koorime. One of the men in Tarukane's employ was kinder than the others. He had a little sister in her adolescent years and took pity on Yukina, plotting to escape with her when the opportunity presented itself. However, Tarukane was aware of his employee's treachery, and had created a fake opportunity for escape in order to kill off the traitor and make Yukina lose hope.

Instead of giving in to Tarukane's demands, Yukina hardened her heart. Though she was beginning to despair, she was determined not to give the avaricious Tarukane what he wanted. Even when tortured, she refused to let herself cry. She rebelled by freezing as much of his stronghold as she could whenever he came by to attempt to force her tears out of her. Eventually, spirit world (in charge of the afterlife, as well as dealing with rogue demons who found their way into the human world) became aware of her captivity, as well as the urgent need to contain the situation before her twin brother Hiei (who had been keeping tabs on her for some time with his implanted jagan eye) found out about what happened. Hiei was on probation of sorts with spirit world, and was under strict rules not to take human life under any circumstance. Teenage spirit detective (in the employ of spirit world) Yuusuke Urameshi was sent to Yukina's aid, with a grim reaper named Botan as his guide, and his friend Kazuma Kuwabara tagging along to help.

Cruel and greedy as ever, Tarukane made bets with a group of rich associates called the Black Book club on the intruders' survival. He had a pair of powerful demons in his employ called the Toguro brothers and the gang that worked under them and thought that his victory was certain. However, he kept losing his bets, and eventually had Yukina brought to him as he became increasingly desperate and wanting to make certain that he kept some of his assets in tact. Yukina looked on as Yusuke Urameshi and Kazuma Kuwabara fought, worried that they were going to die because they'd come to protect her. Just then, Hiei arrived and gave Tarukane a beating. Yukina held him back from beating Tarukane to death, although when she told him he seemed familiar, he told her he was just a member of the team and didn't even offer his name.

Yukina ran down to greet her other rescuers, and healed them as her way of thanking them for saving her - healing Kuwabara first. She also reassured Kazuma Kuwabara that she didn't hate humans for what had happened to her - in fact, she generally liked them.

Yukina returned to her home world afterwards, where she learned some of the truth about her brother. She learned that he was a skilled martial artist, and she thought that her best hope of being reunited with him would be to seek him out at the upcoming Dark Tournament months later. In the meantime, she pursued more advanced training with her healing abilities. After hearing that her rescuers had entered the tournament, she hoped to be of help to them and to find her brother. She arrived late for the tournament, but met Shizuru Kuwabara, Kazuma's older sister outside, along with Keiko, and Botan (whom she'd already met when she was rescued). They helped her get inside the tournament, and her timely arrival seemed to be just the boost Kazuma needed to win a particularly brutal match he was fighting in (she still doesn't understand how or why).

Yukina spent most of the tournament sitting and observing the tournament, with Shizuru, Botan and Keiko. She missed a portion of the semi-finals due to the semi-finals being moved to another building and Botan's sense of direction, but returned to cheer Team Urameshi on. Yukina, along with many other tournament spectators, narrowly escaped the tournament with her life when Sakyo blew the stadium (and himself) up as part of a bet. Yukina decided to resume her search for her brother, and sometime during her search, she found herself pulled to the City, greeted with the words, "Welcome to the City, Hero".


Yukina is a sweet and compassionate girl. She values life, and she loves animals. She is a pacifist, and would rather not be violent unless there is no other way to solve a problem. She would rather run away and be seen as a coward than physically harm someone. Yukina values the safety and well-being of others more than she values her own. This isn't to say that Yukina doesn't value her own life. Her fight or flight instincts are very much in tact. However, her own experiences have made her resilient and tougher than one might expect, and she'd rather put herself at risk than see someone suffer unnecessarily.

Yukina possesses an inner strength. Where she lacks in physical prowess, she more than makes up for it in determination and willpower. She's more the sort to follow her heart rather than operate based on logic. Yukina is neither stupid nor a genius. She is rather naive when it comes to things like romance or sexual innuendos, having spent the bulk of her life on an island where the all-female inhabitants are capable of asexual reproduction. Yukina is rather perceptive when it comes to judging a person's character, and when she needs to assess how much of a threat someone poses. She is quite insightful about certain things even if she's otherwise inexperienced.

In spite of the trauma Yukina has experienced, she's managed to not generalize her experiences overly much. A person with a striking resemblance to Tarukane might make her recoil back and feel anxious, but she's managed to keep a small sense of hope about her and be grateful for what she has in her life.

POWER: Cyrokinesis, healing abilities (able to heal herself and others), and her tears form a rare and valuable kind of gem called hiruseki stones worth millions of dollars.

Yukina's cyrokinesis, healing, and jewel-tears are all canon. She also seems to heal quickly from injuries due to her non-human physiology (it's indicated that she's been tortured as an attempt to make her cry, but she has no permanent scars - at a later point in canon, she reveals she had hidden a hiruseki stone inside of her body. The only injury that seems to last even over the course of a single short episode arc is a burn on her arm created by a talisman specifically designed to hurt her race). Because of the game's rules regarding three separate powers, I'll account for this as her healing herself with her healing powers rather than a healing factor.

Yukina's cyrokinesis allows her to freeze large rooms without much effort and allows her to withstand exceptionally cold temperatures. It is not, however, refined to the point of being able to effectively attack just yet. Yukina is not an aggressive person by nature and has never honed her powers for fighting. Her healing abilities, on the other hand, are much more refined and she can heal serious injuries to the point that it looks as though they never happened. Yukina's tears harden into jewels once they have fallen from her eyes.

COMMUNITY POST (FIRST PERSON) SAMPLE: How your character will be addressing the game at large. This sample should follow the same rough format as Cape&Cowl proper - a first-person, text/audio/video-based, intentional post to an internet community. Preferably more than a paragraph in length, this sample is to show us your character's unique voice. If you can make us laugh or outright scare the pants off us, you’re doing a good job!


[A cute girl with light turquoise colored hair who appears to be in her mid-teens appears on the screen looking somewhat confused. She has an instruction manual on hand, and she read it over several times before making an attempt at her first video post]

Ah...hello? I've never used anything like this before, so I hope I'm not making a mistake. My name is Yukina. I'm pleased to meet you all.

If anyone knows how to leave, I'd appreciate some directions. Before I found myself here I was looking for my twin brother. I think there must be some sort of mistake...I'm not the sort of person who would make a very good hero. I'm not brave and I'm not strong.

While I'm here, if anyone needs injuries healed, I would be happy to help. But please, if there is a way to leave, please tell me. I'd like to go home. I don't mean to sound rude or selfish and if I do, I'm sorry. I just think there must have been a mistake.

LOGS POST (THIRD PERSON) SAMPLE: (Thoughts on what she's going to do as a hero and her motives)

"Welcome to the City, Hero."

It had been an odd welcome, as Yukina had never considered herself a hero. She didn't think of herself as being brave or strong, and she certainly didn't know how to fight. Even though she was safe and free now, she was still haunted by reminders of her time in captivity. Memories of the torture turned her dreams to nightmares every so often, and they troubled her. Still, she refused to give up and let herself become fearful of others. Yukina earnestly believed that most people were good, and that it was unfair and childish to assume that everyone was as cruel as her former captor.

She wanted to go home, where things were more familiar. Yukina was no hero. There had to be some sort of mistake. A hero wouldn't have been so easily defeated. A hero would have been able to stop the Toguro brothers from killing the innocent birds who had kept her company. A hero wouldn't have come as close as she had to losing hope.

Despite her doubts, Yukina could see opportunity in the strange circumstances. Perhaps she'd been brought here for a reason. Maybe the only way her nightmares would stop haunting her would be to temporarily put her search for her brother on hold and to do her best to be a hero. Although the idea of trying to be a hero was intimidating, it also gave her hope. If she could save others from experiencing what she had, if she could be someone who protected instead of always needing protection...maybe then the nightmares would finally be a thing of the past.

All she had to do now was learn more about her surroundings, and move forward.

FINAL NOTES ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: I am touching on canon that's revealed later on in the show, but it's backstory canon.

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