Maybe Aiba likes younger women after all.

May 02, 2008 21:26

Are they having some really rough sex on a rickety bed upstairs?  Otherwise I am feeling like causing shit becuase its so damn loud.  But if it's in the name of orgasm, I'll let it slide.  Plus, the normal jboy doesn't last that long anyway.  Just got my new visa card by UPS.  I'm read to start spending!  Not.  I still have to pay off my old card, fuck.  But at least I have this one in case of emergencies and can actually use it in such a case.  Watching Heroes at the moment, halfway through episode 2.  I agree, Mohinder is hot.  He needs to shave though.

For my pleasure:

凄腕で?ってゆーか細腕で? 本当に100発100中ですか? はい!
          The go-getter?  The so-called slim-arm*? Is it really 100 out of 100? Yes!
何年くらいやってんですか?写真の暦は? 4年やっています!
          About how long have you been doing this?  Your photography history? For 4 years.
結構短いっちゃ短いですよね? 短いっちゃ短いですね
          Considerably, that's a short short time right? A short short time, yes.
今おいくつですか? 今23(歳)です!
          How old are you now? 23 years old.
          Younger than me!?

This was just the best reaction evar.  I heart you, Aiba-chan.  Please never take the suit off.  I have no idea what to translate *this as.  It doesn't make sense to me.  Whatever.  That wasn't the point.  Did you enjoy it?  Back to Heroes.

translation, spam: video, tv: himitsu no arashi-chan

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