I probaby should have seen this coming, since things like this happen to me, but I didn't. Happily painting away on the patio tonight with a couple of my housemates I was thinking about how, although not perfect, my Midna costume was turning out alright. Then, I knocked over my cup of dye. All over myself, and the WHITE part of the costume. Couldn't have spilled on something that was going to be black anyways, oh no.
Water... lightened but spread out the dye
Spray-n-wash... lightened but spread out the dye
Bleach... don't want to risk it on the spandex
In the process of trying to rescue the back, the paper and plastic inside the outfit shifted and now I have dye on the front - again in exactly the spots which needed to stay white.
Which pretty much means at this point, I'm fucked. I can try to wash it out more, but I need to heat-set the whole rest of the outfit first, and I'm still afraid that it will all just run all over the place and make things even worse. I could just paint a lot more of the back black to cover it up but changing the design on the front isn't going to work.
Katherine has white paint for silkscreening which might be able to cover it, but given my experience with painting fabrics white, I'm not holding out much hope. Lets say that I do get the white paint to cover, and to match. I still won't be able to take black-light photos (which was why I chose the green I did to begin with) because the paint will glow differently.
So aside from a small miracle or starting again from scratch, I'm out of luck. No masquerade or new costume for me this year. I don't have the time or money to start over, and I don't think I even have the time to salvage the outfit AND make the helm. I only have two days off of work between now and the con. It was going to be damn tight timing without a disaster.
My costume this morning:
Dye spill: (it's too bad I don't have a photo from just before it spilled. it looked good...)
After being "cleaned up" which pretty much means smearing and bleeding everywhere:
I'm going to try the paint, but the costume is still out for AN... maybe another con. Will find something old to wear this year.