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rincredible requested that I post it.
Had a very good time at Ad-Astra.
Spandex panel seemed to go over well, glad I could contribute, even if I wasn't super-awesome.
Broke my promise to myself (from AN07) that I'd never finish a costume in the hotel, but I guess it was worth it.
Was awesome to see so many of you there, however briefly in some cases. Also glad that everyone seemed to get along with my Evil Genius.
"Fill me with your bone marrow".... better than the Top Zombie contest!
Wish I'd brought my camera for once, but I bet I still wouldn't have taken many photos.
Dinner? good. Trip home? Good. Embarrassment of inviting
kalliope_kheru in and discovering the ants had taken over the Bat Cave while we were away? NOT GOOD.
Very not-caught-up with f-list. Booo, trying to work on that.
And to finish this off, have some pics from Derwin of my costumes this weekend, and pics from
solartempest of Goldeen from Con-G.
Friday-night Venture!
Saturday with hall-cosplay cop-out shoes
Saturday with Masquerade shoe >_<
The rest of Kevin's photos are