I have barely been online this past week, so if I've missed something important, please poke me about it. Between going to class/lab, working, dinners with various friends, a housewarming party with York peeps, and hanging out with my boyfriend *gasp!*, I've been living in the real world instead of the internet for once. Funny, I didn't miss it.
On the downside, I am still seriously unprepared for Ad-Astra. My wig has still not been curled, shoe not beaded, and even though I have a vague concept for a presentation/skit/whatever, I can't write it. It's just not coming together, and the stuff I do have is completely out of character for Dorothy, and not in a good way. I was hoping that
mottaboy66 could help me out with ideas and recording because he's awesome like that, but our work schedules just don't mesh this week. And he's not going to make it to the con either, so there goes the video guy :(
I can has pokes with masquerade ideas, anyone?
Back to homework... trying to BS my way through a "discussion/conclusion" of a lab with no real objective, woooooo >_<