Feb 12, 2008 02:12
I managed to get home from work without freezing OR slipping and falling, and I was pretty proud of myself. That was the highlight of my night T_T
I tired to undye Gabriel tonight. It was a disaster, starting with not being able to figure out how to open Dylon tins. I ended up prying the cap off with a pair of scisors, being VERY careful to point them away from me, which worked great until the lid just bent unexpectedly and I ended up slicing a small chunk of my thumb off. so, a few frantic minutes of first aid later, I'm back in the kitchen, right hand elevated above my head, left hand stirring a pot of my boiling clothes. I'm not left handed. Got splashed a few times. Also frooooooze since the only way to ventilate the kitchen is to open the back door to the outside. I was impressed, watching the pre-dye do it's work just how much colour was being removed. the I rinsed and washed the outfit, and it's still TOO DARK. I don't know what else to try. At least my thumb seems to have stopped bleeding.
Also from the (bad) news department, I was invited to model for Toronto Alternative Fashion Week. I was like, wow, that's awesome! and the line is zombie clothes, even more awesome! Then I was told the date - which is, of course, the same date as the final presentations for the one class I'm taking this term. why must my life must be ruin! /meme
On the upside, the French party was a success, much more so than anything else I've tried to organize in the last year. So thanks to everyone who came out! I hope you all had fun and enjoyed the food and films. Next time I have a shindig, I'll try to make sure it's warmer, and my porch is less dangerous.