Mar 17, 2007 15:07
so heres how it went.
call sayin lets go.
rush to pack.
beer run.
head to corpus.
stop to get gas and piss.
condom and lube machine.
stealin from valero.
pissin on side of the road.
two different shoes and a port-o-potty
wrong hotel.
missin wallet.
findin room.
whataburger by the bay
drivin to padre... bonfire... wack ass kids.
meetin ashley and crazy friends.
mickeys... natural.... vodka...
drunk drunk drunk
passin out in room.
next day.
play in sand
drive home.
almost run out of gas cause we cant stop since we took off from that same valero night before
finally get home..
it was themost random trip ever but it was sooo much fun