(no subject)

Sep 13, 2003 03:53

ummm...tired. finals sucked ass. no, really. chem just totally blew...i thought it needed a base, and therefore it got BuLi. Need an H? HCl. soo bad. LS was pretty bad too cuz i got really lost on the RFLP stuff. oy. ran back to the apartment to pick up mail and some stuff, including band uniform stuff.

then went to SHA office with most of the D-SHAs..chatted a bit with Sharee and Albert and Tiffani...EXCITEMENT!! Grabbed condoms to share with D-team. had a wonderfully long, slightly boring but super informative (and important) in-hall with construction and move-in procedure and stuff like that. we're getting 51 WWAs, how crazy is that?! then dinner at Corner Bakery...super good. chatted more with the D9 crew. then it was back for movie/door decs, which fo rme ended up being door decs. door decs til 1am. cut, paste, trim. cut, paste trim. over and over and over. although some creativity allowed by making up the little messages...like Seeking the Oracle (Studying) or Visiting Athena (at class) or At the Forum (out). good stuff. D-staff is SOO hardworking, it's not even funny. Every floor got pretty ahead...cept for D8. Poor Matt...no PA to help him, and he has no actual programming experience as a former PA. Neither does A-bert. We'll help em out later...

First band-present football game tomorrow!! excited. most of D-staff is coming too, and hopefully we're doing something after in old-town pasadena. we'll see what david comes up with.

power went out this morning for no reason...luckily was already awake. oh, must reflect on diversity training yesterday at some point...not at 4am.

finals, sha, res life

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