In a nutshell

Sep 15, 2009 18:05

Chandrika Kampala is of a little know clan from the east called the Dakini, whom many Kindred allude to being not Kindred at all. Once a fervent warrior on the path of Nataraja, Chandrika gained the ire of her clan when she failed to kill a Buddhist monk that she had marked, a grievance amongst her kind. Much later, a further so-called unmentionable crime marked her in their eyes and Chandrika sought out the protection of the Indian Tremira (despite the Dakini's hatred of them and the Ventrue), who were consolidating their hold on certain Indian cities with the advent of British colonialism. In order to gain their protection (which subsequently would allow her to learn the teachings of the Raktu-Sadhus, something some Tremira warned about believing her to be a Dakini infiltrator), she had to renounce her clan, accept a blood bond and take other oaths to the  Tremira. By this time, Chandrika's beliefs and desires had already turned toward what western Kindred call Golconda (a horribly degrading term, actually). It is her gifts associated with her clan that make her useful to the Tremere but, Chandrika refuses, rather politely and effectively, to climb their power structures and, instead, works to enlighten as many as she can.  
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