I've theoretically known that Yuugi kicked ass at games, but nothing I've seen so far has had him demonstrate this badasness with such casual confidence as this:
Look at that bugger go! Seriously Yuugi. You just walk up there to those thugs all "Hey a game! Let me join! I'll beat your sorry asses at it so bad your grandkids are going to feel it.". But you're too nice to say that last part. And then Jounouchi and Honda save your ass when the thugs are sore losers.
Yuugi... is this the REAL reason you get bullied so much? XD; Because tough guys are sore losers, and you can't throw a punch to save your life? haha But dang! Look at that fine-motor control! And geometry-thinking! Boy, you've got the steady hands of a surgeon.
I'm sorry for ever having doubted you Yuugi. I like it when you're badass, but I always wonder if that's just me catering to my gratuitous fantasies. One day I will write a fic of you where you are one badass gambler. And it will be glorious.
Oh wait. You're already a badass gambler in like... three things I'm writing. :D;; BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. Maybe I'll put you in a casino or something... and a nice suit. Like James Bond. And you'll have confidence!
And maybe I'll even let you throw a punch. And land it. XD Everyone, you included, will be very surprised. lol
You are so cool, Yuugi Mutou. XD
Man, stuff like this is the reason why Yami/Yuugi is considered nearly canon. (Season Zero - Episode 18 if anyone's wondering. Same goes for above.)
THAT LOOK ON HIS FACE. And the chest-cradling? Really animators? Did it have to be so loving? XD; (Not that I'm complaining. lol)
I love you season zero. You inspire me.