Disney World's Most Wanted

Apr 07, 2009 23:16

Disclaimer: I should start out by saying that while I am not perhaps the most ethical of all people (I used to download free music and I watch tv online sometimes on bootleg sites. Gotta have my Merlin and True Blood!) but I'm usually honest unless it's funnier or more interesting to lie. However, I am fairly straitlaced when it comes to things like actually stealing or cheating or hurting people, etc. etc. So when i found myself sneaking into Disney last week, I was pretty suprised at myself. Moral implications aside, it was SO exhilirating! And TERRIFYING!

It all started when Hava (one of my BFFs from college) called to say she was going to be at Disney on Tuesday with her inlaws and her husband and daughter (who is a year old I hadn't met yet). I decided to drive down and visit her after my doctor's appointment. When I got there, her mother in law had decided that they weren't going to leave the park (our original plan was to have dinner outside) and I needed to get in. I asked the info booth about letting me in at a discount and explained the whole situation. They told me I was out of luck. When her mother in law came out, she said that I had to come into the park and she would take care of it. The next thing I know, she is getting the info booth to reprint two tickets for her saying she lost them and the other people in her group were on space mountain. Then we went straight into Burn Notice Mode. I imagined Michael's voice in my head guiding me.
The important thing when sneaking into a major amusement park is to have a reasonable story for why you need to get in. It helps if you have legitimately ticketed friends around you.
I swipe my ticket and of course, my fingerprint doesn't match. The ticket guy is a young man from Ohio. Ruddy cheeked and dressed in a candy striped suit. He smiles and tells me to try it again. I do, to no avail.
After the third time, I figure I'd better say something. Try Flirting to distract the mark, says the Michael in my head.
Oh ho ho, sez I, I had this same problem when I was at Epcot the other day (actually at Christmas time, and it was true that it didn't work then). He keeps making me swipe my ticket and put my finger on the slot
Maybe you used a different finger? he says
I smile a dumb blonde smile up at him and say, Oh, I always use my pointy finger (which I hold up and look at innocently) I'm so afraid I will forget what finger I used and then I'll hold up the whole line trying out fingers.
I look back at the line forming behind me and laugh and shrug.
He seems to be buying it. We keep swiping ticket and fingerprint.
Goodness, I don't know why my fingerprint isn't taking. Maybe if my new job doesn't work out I should try out a career as a criminal since my fingerprints are apparently unreadable. I say and (with a shout out to Fi) bat my eyelashes and smile at him.
He laughs.
Then the mother in law steps in (finally) and says, You know, maybe it isn't matching up right because we had top reprint our tickets. My husband has all our tickets and he's on space mountain, so they had to reprint us tickets. I've got the receipt!
He made me scan my ticket and fingerprint a few more times and I said, I'm so sorry I'm taking up so much of your time! I don't know what to do!
and he said, just go ahead and let me in.
Hava's ticket didn't work, so we're pretty sure that I ended up with hers. Once we were in the park we walked around and took Leena on the Pooh ride and watched the light parade and it was sooo good to see Hava and Brandon and meet Leena for the first time. In about 2 hours, the family was ready to head home, so Hava and I parted ways and I headed home. It was well worth the trip to see Hava. However, I was a little bit worried that I might be banned from Disney. That would have been tragic

flirting with danger, stealing disney

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