
Sep 04, 2004 10:40

Cross Country practice @ 6 yesterday wasn't actually all that bad, once I got up. We ran part of it in the dark, which was pretty neat. Plus it wasn't super hot like it would've been if we had ran in the afternoon! And we got free bagels Of course, after I showered and got dressed and everything, it was still only 7:00, and school doesn't start til 7:39. Luckily Erin was there early getting a gym locker, and then I found Zoe (well actually Zoe found me--I was looking all over for her and then she just kinda walked up to me and it was WEIRD--this happened 2 me twice and is STILL creeping me out)

Classes were pretty blah, BUT--we actually did something besides reading the syllabus! Math was super easy cuz most of our class (the seniors) were @ their little anti frosh pep rally meeting. (at least i think thats what they were @) so we just "learned" how 2 use our calculators (even though i think most of us already knew)

CommArts was pretty boring, due mostly to our old slow teacher. I really don't think that its possible that this class will be harder than the normal CommArts like its sposed 2, because she's so AWFUL. Health was, well, health. Loads of people didn't have their hw done. This is the only class where i'm stuck with people like that though. Apparently our health teacher smokes, which ought to be interesting once she gets 2 the anti-smoking part of the unit. Lunch was yucky--angie got switched back 2 5th hour lunch, again.

Orchestra was boring beyond all belief. We learned how 2 hold our instruments (some people seriously didn't know!) and our D-scale still sounds like crap.Biophys was kinda fun. We're in pairs and we're trying 2 figure out why these fish in some lake are dying, and they tell us about the lake and then give us some info sheets about potential problems, and info sheets on the fish and what they eat. I'm paired with Erin and its kinda fun.

AP World History was interesting. We watched a movie about prehistoric stuff and it was kinda neat, except i already knew a lot of it. We have a reading assignment 4 the weekend, but its only 10 pages and I already finished it!! French III was really fun! We just played chrades and the flyswatter game (frappez la mouche). It was mostly just the sophomore guys left, cuz most of the freshman were in band. The pep rally was NOT fun. I don't think they should make freshman go 2 these.

At about 6:30, I went over 2 Mari's house and we picked up Zoe and went over 2 the west football game in Kaukauna (west won!!!) That was lots of fun, even though we really didn't pay much attention 2 the actual game... After it was over, we went to the krispy kreme place! It was really awesome!! and yummy I got 2 sleep in 2day!!! Hooray!!!
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