Mar 24, 2006 01:19
House Resolution 4437 would make all undocumented immigrants felons and require all employers to verify the immigration status of its employees.
Ouch, and they also want legalized immigration to be the only immigration...What a plan! Take out all those who make the bare minimum of profits and let the well off of the 3rd world countries in! that way the U.S can keep tabs on who's poor and who's not, and create policies that continue to keep those nation's under their thumbs without fear taht the poor masses will fight back because they're already lead by corrupt leaders who'll accept bribes, much like our own politicians from special intrest groups. And if they do fight back, like Venezuela, they can be labled radical and a threat to national security for wanting to finially move forward.
It just angers me that instead of spreading goodwill and true change that will benefit all, we always look to only become better off ourselves. Why not eliminate some of the debt that developing countries will never be able to pay off? Why not encourage some of the best thinkers in the developed countries help the 3rd world come out of the mess their in, with NO strings attached. There would be no immigration problem if people felt some hope in their own countries. I mean who really aims to leave their home, families, and memories for a far away land that despises you, in order to just make ends meet working low level jobs.
I know i don't know what its like and neither do you