Feb 15, 2006 22:34
woken up at 2a.m. by a drunk fone call from my sister, mishear that she's married, kinda annoyed.
woken up at 8 a.m. by hte alarm clock that i've mistakenly forgotten to turn off.
wake up at 11 a.m. because i want to
get a fone call at 11.20 am from friend who i wished wanted me, give her valendoomsday cd.
get to school at 11.50 am to see said friend
bump into another friend at 1.05 and catch up
meet up with cousin at 1.20 think up business plans
leave school at 2pm. go to white plains
meet up with friends to play pool at 2.20
at 4 we leave and have masive snowabll fight in parking lot.
at 4.30ish bruised and tired go to mall
at 4.15 get to mall.
4.20....hehee 4.20
4.25 get FOOOD!..spicy pizza, sit down and make fun of eachother.
at 4.40ish security gaurd threatens to kici us out if we don't stop playing cards
still at 4.40ish friend says fine we'll go to the westchester so that real guards who don't use only flashlights can kick us out.
5.30 get up to leave but decide to look at sunglasses
5.40ish bump into friend who got part in play (congrats!)
6pm drop friend of at train station
get to WCC again at 6.20 to drop others off and call friend, friend no pick up
get call at 6.50ish from said friend and says she loves cd....happy
7 pick diego up by controller eat some more
8.get home pop in dvd and start procrastinating.....wait didn't i start when i woke up?
9...10....11....still not studying
and that was my day in some detail...names ...most names have been omitted to protect those people.....they don't want you to knwo i know them...
and and and and and
franz is da coolestest