go home on Friday and end up watching Rent with my brother and my grandmother...who enjoyed it...it's odd the things she now enjoys...such as South Park...odd for a grandma to watch and enjoy soutpark of her own free will.....ah well. So..I head home to bed, at 10...thinking great...7 hours of sleep...yeh me...i was quite proud of myself for actually gettin to bed early. I wake up to my alarm clock...which i soon realize is not my alarm clock so much as my phone ringing with the new ringer i set up for it as i wasn't hearing the other one. So, I answer it...cuz usually if it's ringing inthe middle of the night..it's an emergency...wasnt quite so much an emerency..just a friend needing someone to talk to bout some things...he finally informs me its 3am....at which point i decided he should tell me why he called and at least entertain me till I'm ready to go back to bed..for me..if i get called middle of the night it sends an adrenaline rush through me that i can't recover from by flicking an emotional lightswitch...so...we chat...and have our first moral clash...ive learned inthe past that if morals conflict, it is absolutely impossible for things to end well...morals don't change..and following certain experiences, i also am no longer to have any give on that matter....i dont wanna change my morals for someone...or expect them to change their's for me...it's not a healthy relationship to have....and it is impossible to achieve. there is no right way to ask or expect someone to change their values and morals for them...you either learn to adapt to the differences and let bygones be bygones...or realize it is something you can't put up with and step back from the situation.
anyhoo..so we finish our conversation...which..other then the moral clash was quite productive and went rather well..was one we needed to have...kinda figure out where we both were...I soon realize there's no hope for my going back to bed as it wasnow 4am and i had to be up at 5 for work..so i lay in bed for the next hour. got up, went to work and 4 shots of espresso and 2 cups of coffee later i was functioning decent. i dont know how the hell i pulled off last summer with as little sleep as i got....now lack of sleep kills me.
after work number 1 i head off to work number 2....whilst thereit begins to snow...thus..work number 2 was crazy unusually busy...so much for studying for a midterm...i head home afterwards, in the now 6 inches of snow accumulated and make a mental note i should get up earlier sunday to allow time for digging my car out and driving across town. i'm in bed by 11:45 that night...get up at 4:45 the next morning...i'mnow cursing the friend who woke meup as i am in a zombie like state. i head out to my car..realizing there's almost 2 feet of snow in my drveway...joy. so i trapse out in my mcuniform and mcwork shoes....note to self buy snow boots so that it can't snow again for 5 years....get out to my car and spend 20min clearing it off....long story short, after an hour of various attempts at digging my car out and clearing the newly accumulated snow off of it....i realize that maybe little sports cars just aren't ment to drive at all in 2 feet of snow....thus..i wake my dad up..who drives me to work. work was unusually busy...you'd be amazed how many idiots are out there that need to satisfy mccravings at 6am in 2 feet of snow BEFORE snow plows have even cleared any of the roads. it was nuts...
head home for lunch after, thenme and my dad dug my car out the rest of the way as it had stopped snowing. job number 2 was slower that night..which wasnice as i was still in zombie like state.
afterwards i decide now's the best time to attempt the drive home as i have a midterm the next morning....the highway was horrid. a mixture of rain and ice and wind and zero visibility fog at some points....yeh for following the driver ahead of you....last time i was in fog like that was a impromptu trip to see a friend who needed to talk to me...on the way back that particular night there was an accident on the road...ended up stuck in town at Jill's house...anyhoo...made it home sunday night and was quite dead thenext morning...realized with little to no sleep photographic memories don't work...oh well. we'renow in crunch time again in school...last couple months bfore grad...lotsa projects due and little assignments that really teach us absolutely nothing to do with out real jobs...asmy friend put it..."i'm not so concerned with what they're not teaching us..i've become quite comfortable with the fact that i'm going to get into an office and immediately screw up"...well put i think...
anyways...that's my rant...there's more i could rant on..but i choose not to at the moment.....