"See now, I think it's the daddy thing that's throwing her."

Feb 15, 2012 01:55

Oh my heck, I do not think I can ever read the comments on Mark Watches Buffy again.  Or any other fan community.  But definitely not that one.


It's not the commenter's fault.  I have to assume zie is watching along with Mark and has only seen up through "Amends" and has no inkling of what zie typed.  But that doesn't mean I didn't literally hiss and fling my computer away from me before curling into a ball, stroking Lorne, and rocking for several minutes.  DO NOT READ THE FOLLOWING UNLESS YOU ARE CERTAIN YOU WANT THE NIGHTMARES; IT CANNOT BE UNSEEN:  "I can't decide whether I want Giles or Spike to be Buffy's new daddy."
UGH, this thought is in my brain now and it won't leave.  It will never leave.

In less scarring news, I am intensely amused by the dichotomy between NPH and Jason Segel's Twitter feeds tonight:


I'm going to once again reaffirm my support of happiness where ever and however you find it.  Today, I found it in Greek yogurt, a baked potato, cavemen vs. astronauts, and feeling strong enough to get on the bike for the first time in a month.

Significant happy points were also scored by Tim Roth and Gary Oldman, because Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead finally got watched today. 
(I couldn't help but feel that Tim Roth might be what came out if you put Christian Bale and Seth Green in a blender.)

movies, wha huh?, legendary, brain bleach please, my friends=awesome

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